Friday, June 22, 2012

For the last few weeks we've been talking about contentment. If you're on this journey with me, you have resolved to be content in any and all circumstances. My last post was about the secret to contentment. Looking to God and leaning on His strength in all things.

I must say I've been getting a first hand lesson on what this means. For the last two weeks I've had discontentment looming over my shoulder but tonight I have a spirit of peace. What about you? How are you doing on this journey to contentment? You know it's a journey right? It won't happen over night but gradually we will learn to be content in whatever circumstances we're in...our Heavenly Father is the ultimate teacher when we truly look to Him for the answers.

This week I want to talk about overflowing blessings.

Give and you will receive. Your gift will return to you in full - pressed down, shaken together to make room for more, running over, and poured into your lap. The amount you give will determine the amount you get back. Luke 6:38

I have found that when I have given any amount of money, or time, or service to another human being (not counting my kids or husband) peace comes into my heart and suddenly I see the world in a different way, suddenly I am content.

God tells us that when we give...whether it be money, or time, or a gift that He has given us that we will recieve, that the blessing will overflow from our lives.

Maybe you're saying to yourself, ok Mandy I get what you're trying to say about this whole contentment thing but really..

I'm so stinkin tired
I don't really have any love to give right now
It's Friday, my week has been awful and I really just want to bite someone's head off...I don't have anything left to give, it has all been taken
My paycheck was lower than it should have been, or I haven't gotten paid, or I lost my job and I have NO money for my own self!

All of these are completley understandable but maybe, just maybe you do have something left to give...because when you give for God it's NEVER wasted...and infact you will find a new sense of energy and joy where you thought there was none...that's the power of Christ in your life.

By no means am I saying expend yourself to the point of no return, let the Spirit guide you but when you're having a no good awful bad day why don't you do something for someone else and see if God doesn't fill you with unexplainable blessing and joy.

Even if you don't physically give to another person you're giving to yourself by resolving to be content. When you make the decision to be content no matter what life throws at you then you say to God ok, no matter what I look to you...and He's going to honor that Ladies. God is big on loyalty and when you choose to live content and loyal and chose to honor Him you better be ready for so much blessing to fill your life you won't be able to contain it all...don't think of it as a monetary blessing or material blessing because sometimes God works like that and sometimes He doesn't...think more along the lines of joy, and peace and love and kindness pouring out of you...when you choose to be content in the Lord you choose the joy of the Lord to rule your life..

Doesn't that sound like it's worth it?

Today's Questions ~

When you consider your level of willingness to give of yourself, does it reveal more contentment or discontentment residing in your heart?

Based on God's provision, what is one thing you could choose to do for someone else out of that resource?

What are your thoughts on this statement: "Sometimes the best most empowering word you can learn is no."

1 comment:

  1. I've always been a giving person by nature but ironically, I'm never content. I'll give you the shirt off my back (out of nothing but love) then I'll go and buy another shirt to replace the one I just gave away.

    Because God's resources are so abundant lately, I have no problem giving when prompted. I could learn a thing or two about who I choose to about favoritism.

    As far as the word no, I've learned to love it!


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