Sunday, December 17, 2023

Merry Christmas from Woman to Woman

Merry Christmas from Woman to Woman Ministries! We are so thankful for you. Thank you for your support of Woman to Woman and coming to our space of the internet to read what God lays on our hearts each day. We pray you are inspired and encouraged each time.

In order to allow our writers free time to spend with their families this holiday season, we will be taking a break from the blog. We will be back here on Wednesday, January 3rd. In the meantime, we would love to connect on social media.

From our families to yours...Merry Christmas!

Paula Short and her fur baby, Little Girl

Joanne Viola and her family

Rebekah Hargraves, her husband Owen, and children

Jenifer Metzger, her husband Jeremy, and their grandsons

Donna Butcher, her youngest daughter and her granddaughter

Lauren Thomas and her husband, Brian

Grace Metzger

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