Wednesday, January 3, 2024

This Is My Year...Or Is It?

By: Jenifer Metzger

We are three days into 2024 and we are pumped! We shout the mantra: This Is My Year! We make our plans. Set our goals. Fill our minds with a renewed determination.

Then as the year progresses, our plans are shoved to the side, our goals are placed on a back burner somewhere, and our determination fades away. Before long, we haven't made any changes and decide, it isn't our year after all.

This is My Year...Or is It?

The problem lies when we fail to seek the Lord and His strength. We set goals and come up with our word of the year, and don't get me wrong, those are good things. I have a word of the year and eight areas I have set goals in. Wanting growth is good. Wanting change can be good. But we need to first seek the Lord. Then we need to see His strength.

Seek the Lord and His strength;
seek His face always.
1 Chronicles 16:11 CSB

On our own, we can't do anything. We are not strong enough. We are not wise enough. Without God we are not enough. We need His strength, His guidance, His wisdom.

If you have an area you are wanting to work on, something you want to grow in, pray about it. Seek wisdom and guidance from God. Perhaps you are wanting to work on your career and God is opening doors that you haven't even looked at yet. Or maybe you want to work on your health and God is guiding you to someone who can help you view food and health in a Biblical way. Whatever it is, seek God.

Instead of thinking of 2024 as "my" year, let's claim this as God's year.

1. Do you set goals or choose a word of the year? If so, what are they?
2. Have you sought God for your goals or word?

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