Wednesday, October 4, 2023

ACTS Prayer Model: Supplication

By: Jenifer Metzger

We are on a four week study on the ACTS Prayer Model.
Week One: HERE
Week Two: HERE.
Week Three: HERE.

Today is our final day in the four week study on the ACTS Prayer Model. We conclude with supplication. Supplication is, unfortunately, the one that too often we jump right into, skipping adoration, confession, and thanksgiving. Supplication means to present our requests to God.

ACTS Prayer Model: Supplication

Don’t worry about anything,
but in everything, through prayer
and petition with thanksgiving,
present your requests to God.
Philippians 4:6 CSB

God wants us to bring needs to Him. He wants us to bring our needs and the needs of others and lay them at His feet, trusting Him to take care of everything. God knows what we need; He even knows what we want. Yet, He wants us to voice it to Him. To call out our requests. He desires to meet our needs and sometimes even our wants. But we have to bring them before Him.

If you then, who are evil,
know how to give good gifts
to your children, how much more
will your Father in heaven give
good things to those who ask Him.
Matthew 7:11

Supplication isn't just about asking God for material things, it's also about asking God to help us in our walk with Him. Asking Him to guide us down His path, to help us be compassionate, to help us witness, to help us treat others with kindness. It's asking God to keep us from temptation and sin. It's asking for His help to be a better Christian.

The ACTS Prayer Model is a wonderful tool to help us live out an intentional and structured prayer life and it helps us to keep our focus while praying. The next time you pray, remember:
A - Adoration, worship and praise God
C - Confession, confess your sins
T - Thanksgiving, give thanks for all God has done and who He is
S - Supplication, present your needs and the needs of others to God

For a printable of the ACTS Prayer Model, click HERE.

1. Sometimes people have hard time asking for needs for themselves. Is this a struggle for you? How can you be intentional with praying for your needs?
2. While supplication is very important, it shouldn't be the first part of our prayer. Are you careful to spend time in adoration, confession, and thanksgiving first?
3. Was the ACTS Prayer Model new to you before this series? What are your thoughts now?

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