Wednesday, September 27, 2023

ACTS Prayer Model: Thanksgiving

By: Jenifer Metzger

We are on a four week study on the ACTS Prayer Model.
Week One: HERE
Week Two: HERE.

Today we are on the T in the ACTS Prayer Model, which stands for thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is such a beautiful thing. To open our eyes and hearts to God's goodness all around Him and thank Him for all He's done, it is powerful.

ACTS Prayer Model: Thanksgiving #gratitude #blessings #thankful

Friend, God is good. He is so worthy of our praise and gratitude. The truth is, if God never did another thing for us ever, He would still be worthy of our praise and gratitude.

Give thanks to the God of heaven!
His faithful love endures forever.
Psalm 136:26 CSB

From the very moment we open our eyes in the morning, there is something to give thanks for. We can thank God for the sleep we had, the bed we had to sleep on, the roof covering our head while we slept, the air in our lungs, the sun that rose. As we go about our day we can thank Him for our families, our house, job, car, church, friends, family, neighbors, the list is truly endless.

Did you know you can even thank God for the mundane? Thank Him for the dishes in the sink because it means you had food. Thank Him for the shoes your family left out because it means life in your home. Thank Him for the baby that kept you awake at night because somewhere in the world is a woman praying to God for a baby to keep her up at night.

When we intentionally spend time giving thanks, our hearts become more content and joy sinks in deep.

Give thanks in everything;
for this is God’s will for
you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5:18 CSB

1. Are you intentional with regular thanksgiving?
2. What is something you are thankful for today?

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