Thursday, September 28, 2023

Do You Struggle with Unbelief?


By: Donna Bucher

If you have visited my blog, Serenity in Suffering or read my posts regularly, you know I write about the hard places of life. At times the Lord asks me to truly share from a place of painful brokenness.

Having opportunity to write here at Woman to Woman as well as other blogs and publications, truly encourages me. But I still struggle with anxiety every time I submit an article for publishing consideration.


Never sure if my work will be accepted, I sometimes question if what I have written is “good enough”. Of course, rejection letters come, but the bottom line is learning to trust God with the outcome.


Trusting God with outcomes in our lives often reveals our personal struggle with unbelief. How many times I ushered up prayers for situations or loved ones, asking God to intervene, only to find I still had anxiety over the outcome.


Do You Take God at His Word?


God promises to hear His children when they call, providing for our needs and comfort in trial. (Jeremiah 33:3, Isaiah 65:24). Knowing this truth, we come to Him with the concerns and troubles of life, yet because of unbelief, we fail to find rest in taking Him at His word.


"Wherefore, sirs, be of good cheer: for I believe God, that it shall be even as it was told me."


Do You Pray Believing God Will Answer?


We often usher up numerous prayers, especially for those situations of most concern and pain for us. Illness, financial hardship, wayward children, and salvation of loved ones top our long prayer lists.


But is your prayer list more like a Christmas “wish list”?


You ask for what you truly desire, but in no way have confidence you will receive it. Admittedly, my own prayers fall into this category much of the time. And when I fail to receive the answers I anticipate, I stop praying.


Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.

Mark 11:24

Do You Move Forward By Faith?


Sadly, when met with opposition from the enemy of our souls as we commit our prayers unto God, doubt fills our hearts. Old insecurities creep in, we stumble, second guess our needs or motives for asking, and worst of all, we stop believing God.


No longer trusting His instruction and promise, we often give up or become discouraged.


But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind.

James 1:6




Faith=Taking God at His Word

Without faith, our prayers are but empty words; nothing more than wishes we cast to the wind and wonder if they will reach their destination. We must pray, believing God will answer, and then when He does, move forward with that same faith, rooted in confidence "that it shall be even as it was told us". 


Anything less is living a defeated life. We delight God by our bold faith and trust in Him.

My Friend, are you living a defeated life?


Are you held hostage by unbelief?


And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.

Hebrews 11:6


Take heart, Christ already holds the victory; pray, believing and move forward in confidence today!




Which verse above speaks most to your anxiety in trusting God with the outcomes to your prayers?


Seek to memorize one verse above this week.


Find more encouragement and FREE Resources at Serenity in Suffering!


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