Thursday, October 5, 2023

What One Thing Can't You Do?


By: Donna Bucher

This week I'm sharing encouragement for the times you feel overwhelmed, discouraged, or even defeated. Because truthfully, we all feel that way at times and I know I've felt all these things this week! Often the source of these feelings rests in negative words spoken over us.

"You are not needed."

"Can't you do anything right?"

"You can't do _______ because you're not good enough."

"Nobody wants to hear what you have to say."

"You're fat"

"Nobody likes you."

Sadly, we can all think of many more statements like these. I can remember several of these spoken over me as a child by people who said they loved me. Words have power, as Proverbs 18:21 says, "The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit."

In the same way hurtful and negative words create feelings of overwhelm, discouragement and defeat, kind, compassionate, positive words breathe life, grace and love into other's lives.

Check out this video to see the power of words in action bringing hope to the discouraged and defeated.

Replace Negative, Hurtful Words with Truth

Powerful Video, wasn't it? When life giving words were spoken over those who felt defeated and limited, everything changed. While having someone close to us cheer us on or help lift our heads bowed low in discouragement, others may not choose to speak words of life to us. We must learn to speak God's truth to ourselves.

The best thing we can do is counter the lies spoken over us or that we have spoken to ourselves with God's truth. Like the people in the video, we can hold limiting beliefs or fall prey to the devil's lies about our true identity. Here are three lies most people believe because of hurtful words spoken over them by others or even themselves.

"I'm not enough" or "I'm not good enough."

As a child of God, you are precious, beloved and chosen. (Jeremiah 31:3You don't need to be "good enough" because God is good enough and will use empower you to do all His will. (1 Corinthians 1:26-31)

"I have no influence" or "My ministry, work or talents are small and insignificant."

Remember the five loaves and two fishes? (John 6:1-15Anything you have when placed in Jesus' hands becomes more than you can imagine. Zechariah 4:10 reminds you not to despise the day of small things, for you shall rejoice at all God accomplishes through them.

"Others will reject me" or "No one wants to hear what you have to say."

Fear of man lures you into believing lies others speak over you and hinders anything you might do to serve God. (Proverbs 29:25But putting your trust in God, removes fear of failure or anything others may say or do, because with the God of the universe holding you, what can man do to you? (Psalm 56:3-5)


Dear One, what one thing can't you do? What negative, hurtful words were spoken over you by others or even yourself? I am speaking words of life over you today. I see you; I see you looking in the mirror and not always liking what's reflected there, but you are beautiful. You are brave and strong, and empowered by God, you can do whatever is before you in God’s strength.

For I am the Lord your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear;  I will help you.


Isaiah 41:13



Beloved, you are not alone, you are loved, precious and greatly desired. God created you to shine, flaws and all. Don't seek to blend in or hide, seeking to please everyone, you lose yourself. Step into your story, you are the only one who can tell His story in you. Let God love you, heal you, transform your brokenness into beauty.

Find more encouragement and FREE Resources at Serenity in Suffering!


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