Saturday, November 12, 2022

Sunrise Blessings

By: Melanie Moore

I hate to admit this, but it's been a long time since I've seen the sun rise. 

Mornings for the past few months has been a chaotic mix of breakfast, filling water bottles, drinking coffee, and making sure everyone has their homework, soccer gear, lunch, and anything else they need for the day. To be honest, I never even thought about the sunrise because I was caught up in my daily routine of life.

Then, everything changed.... just by setting back the clocks one hour.

Suddenly, I'm experiencing the sun rise every single day, and I'm blown away by the beauty and stillness of this miraculous event which I've always taken for granted. From my bedroom window, I can see the first glimpses of the sun peek through the trees, and I notice how the sky changes colors as the sun begins its slow climb into view. 

How breathtaking it is to experience the wonder of God's hand at work! It is a reminder to my heart that His mercies are new every morning!

The perspective change of one hour time has awakened my heart to seeing God's gift of the sunrise. How else might I change my perspective to see His gifts all around me each day?

Rather than allowing my spirit to drift in autopilot, where I am not noticing the beauty around me, I am praying that God would give me a perspective shift to see His hand at work. What beauty do you see today? What blessings has God given you? Even in pain and hardship, how does God make evident to you that He is with you and in control of all things, working them for our good and for His glory?

Today's Prayer

Heavenly Father, thank you for the sunrise. Thank you for the gift of today, filled with your beauty and gifts. Please open our eyes to see your work around us. Give us a new perspective, we pray, to awaken to your hand at work around us. Help us to offer our hands, words, feet, and hearts as instruments of worship to you. Please guard our hearts from simply drifting along in the busyness of life. Let stillness and peace dwell in our hearts. Thank you for your love and your mercies, new every morning. We praise you for who you are and ask that all that we do will magnify you. In Jesus' name, Amen.


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