Sunday, July 24, 2022

Asking For Wisdom In The Everyday

 By: Paula Short

Then he prayed, "Lord, God of my master Abraham, make me successful today, and show kindness to my master Abraham." —Genesis 24:12 — NIV

Abraham was getting on in age, and as a father, he often watched his son, Isaac, walk alone. This concerned him. He knew he would soon be passing on, and he didn't want his child to be without companionship, so he called his servant to him and presented him with a very important task. 

For this task, he chose his most dependable and steadfast servant Eliezer. This man would carry out this imperative task with wisdom and discretion.

Before he left, Abraham's servant asked God for guidance in this critical task. Obviously, Eliezer had learned much about faith and God from his master. 

So, he leaves and travels a reasonable distance. As he enters one city, he prays for God's blessing over his master and for a sign that the woman he talks to would be the right one for Isaac.

May it be that when I say to a young woman, 'Please let down your jar that I may have a drink,' and she says, 'Drink, and I'll water your camels too'—let her be the one you have chosen for your servant Isaac. By this I will know that you have shown kindness to my master." —Genesis 24:14— NIV

The sign he requested was only slightly out of the ordinary. You see, the hospitality of the day required women at the well to offer water to weary travelers but not their animals. 

Eliezer was simply asking God to show him a woman with an attitude of service— Someone who would go beyond the expected. An offer to water his camels would indicate that kind of attitude. 

Eliezer did not ask a woman with looks or wealth. He knew the importance of finding a woman with the right heart and asked God to help him with his task.

When he spots Rebekah, Eliezer humbly asks for water. Without knowing this weary traveler, Rebekah is instantly helpful. She gives not only the man water but is willing to water his camels as well. This is the sign he asked for, and seeing it, he worships God for showing him favor.

Sometimes, we're called to do things that feel overwhelming or seem impossible. But just like Abraham's servant, we need to take the time to stop, pause and pray and reflect. 

Be like Abraham, setting an example of dependent faith. And be like Eliezer and ask God for wisdom and direction in whatever task or venture you face. Then wait to see how He moves.

Photo by Alex Shute on Unsplash

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