Saturday, July 23, 2022

Make Time for Spiritual Nourishment

By: Melanie Moore

It's just past 6 p.m., and I feel my stomach start to rumble. Suddenly, all I can think about is food! Unfortunately, I'm not feeling very inspired to cook, and I mentally take inventory of the ingredients I have on hand. For inspiration, I decide to look online for recipe ideas. I scroll through social media and discover all kinds of videos of recipes which look absolutely delicious. 

My mouth is watering as I watch a roasted chicken prepared, coming out of the oven hot with golden brown skin. Next, I am entranced my several cake decorating videos which for some reason, I find so calming and peaceful to watch. As soon as one video ends, another one automatically begins and I officially am in a "food trance". 

I realize that almost thirty minutes have passed since I started watching these food videos... but I'm still hungry! In fact, I'm even hungrier than when I began, but now I have less time to prepare any food!

As I pondered this situation, I realized that many times I treat my spiritual hunger the same way. God longs to speak to me through His Word in order to feed and nourish my soul. However, sometimes I take the easy way out and instead of opening my Bible, I open Instagram or Facebook. I see small clips of what someone else has posted as their key takeaways from their Bible study, and instead of actually reading the Bible myself, I rely on their quick highlight reel.

Reading the thoughts of someone else who has read the Bible for me is just like watching recipe videos online. It may give us inspiration to read the Bible ourselves, which is great, but we can't rely on it for spiritual nourishment. Instead, we have to get into the Word and read it for ourselves!

Instead of scrolling through social media for my physical hunger, I needed to prepare an actual meal so that my body could benefit from the vitamins, protein, and nutrients. Likewise, instead of scrolling through social media for my spiritual hunger, I need to open my Bible and read it for myself so that my heart and mind may be renewed by the Word of God!

Today's Challenge

I encourage you to join me in committing to read God's Word each day for ourselves. It is always great to share what we learn, so feel free to post your thoughts and verses which inspired you! That may be the inspiration someone else needs to get into the Word themselves and nourish their hearts.

Today's Prayer

Lord, we want to know you. I pray that you will give us hearts that seek you and a burning desire to make time to dig into your Word. Please show us your hand all around us and feed our souls as we study the Bible. In Jesus' name, Amen.

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