I don't think I've ever suffered from depression. Not in a way most would describe it. However, I have been sad before. Cried myself to sleep, thinking of this or that situation as hopeless. And I certainly know I am not exempt from it. Why do I know I am not exempt? Because we have an enemy. A very real enemy that comes only to kill, steal and destroy. {John 10:10} This enemy will attack marriages, families, our children, friendships, our time, our health, our finances and even our hope. he will make us feel as if we are completely hopeless. he will whisper lies to us that sink us deeper and deeper into the pit. To think we are exempt from such attack, only challenges him to attack.
One woman found out about this pit of depression the hard way. Dr. Michelle Bengtson is a neuropsychologist with 20 years of experience in helping children and adults with medical and mental disorders. She knew all the textbook things to do, she even ordered those things for countless patients. And then, she became depressed. Out of her depression, she brings us Hope Prevails: Insights from a Doctor's Personal Journey Through Depression.
Michelle says, “My greatest shock came when I tried the same treatment suggestions I typically offered my patients- and they didn’t work. I tried medication, I participated in therapy, I ate right and exercised dutifully, and I even prayed and claimed healing. For me those things weren’t enough. Only when I started to understand what depression does to us spiritually, as well as what it cannot do, and then started cooperating with God did I finally begin to experience the chains of depression falling off. I wrote this book to share what worked for me and what can help you.”
My favorite thing about Hope Prevails is how Michelle shares what depression is and how to overcome it, not only as a doctor, but also as a Christian and as someone who has walked through it. She is not just coming at you from a medical standpoint, but also a Godly standpoint. She knows where our true hope lies and that is right where she points you. She reminds us that depression may be the season and situation you are in, but it does not have to become a way of life, it does not have to define you.
If you or someone you know is suffering from depression, Hope Prevails is the perfect tool. To enter to win a copy of Hope Prevails, complete each task in the rafflecopter below.

I believe that everyone experiences highs and lows. It is normal. I do have a problem with the over medication of our society.