Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Chipping Away - Revealing the Masterpiece

By: Shari A. Miller

Last week was Journeys night at my son's school. All the rooms were filled to the brim with projects that the students had completed, everything from art projects, to science and history, as well as topics of the student's own choosing.

When I walked through the art room, I navigated my way through the maze of people, who were admiring the works of art. As I was leaving the room, my eyes caught a glance of a table filled with pottery. I stop and admired all the hard work, and I thought it would be so nice to create pieces like that.

Then it got me to thinking.....

These works of art are a lot like the Father's work in our lives. Just like an artist molds and shapes his work into the desired form he or she wants, so our Father sculpts away at our lives, molding us into His image.

"And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is in the Spirit." 
2 Corinthians 3:18 (NIV)

"Yet you, Lord, are our Father. We are the clay, your are the potter; we are all the work of your hand." Isaiah 64:8 (NIV)

Before we were even born the Father knew exactly what we would look like and who we would become. He knew it would be a process to take our lives, as a clean cut piece of stone, and chip away at them, slowly revealing His masterpieces, for all the world to see.

At least for me, it is a process that can be very painful at times. I know there are some days that I would opt to take the easy way out and just stay the same. Some times in my own selfish way, I think, "Really do we need to do this again? Please Lord isn't there another way?"

Despite my pleas, the Father moves forward, for He knows what's best for my life. He knows the lessons I need to learn to become more and more like Him, and less and less like me.

"He must become greater: I must become less."  John 3:30 (NIV)

The more and more I lean into Him and accept each situation, each learning experience that He has for me, the more at peace I feel. When I stop trying to balk and the process, and reach out for His hands during the learning experiences of life, the easier the process becomes. The older I get, the easier it is for me to look back at my life and accept each trial, each learning experience with open arms, because I am thankful for who it has made me and how much I have grown.

What about you? Do you try to push the Lord away when He tries to work in your life? Do you try to take a short cut and navigate through life faster? 

Friends, the best way is the Lord's way. Let Him work through you, don't resist, Accept. Move forward and watch your life become His masterpiece, one of His greatest works of all.

It is time for the Woman to Woman Word Filled Wednesday Link Up. We desire to connect women of God with one another and encourage each other in Christ. So grab a cup of coffee or glass of sweet tea, sit back and visit a few blogs. Be encouraged and share your own stories in their comments.

Use hashtag #w2wwordfilledwednesday

Three rules to this link up:
1. Must be a {Christian} faith post.
2. Link back to W2W somewhere in your post. (Feel free to use our button if you want!)
3. Visit and comment on at least one other blog in the link up.

Woman to Woman Ministries


  1. What a beautiful, encouraging post! Thank you for sharing your heart and for hosting the link-up!

  2. So true. Sometimes I wonder why I would even try to resist God who is all-knowing and all-loving.


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