Monday, February 16, 2015

3 Steps To Finding His Good

By: Jenifer Metzger

Have you ever looked at your husband and just thought, really!? How can this grown man not put his dish in the sink? How can this man who graduated college not figure out how to put the toilet paper roll on the holder? This man conquers villains in a video game yet can't seem to get the concept of squeezing the toothpaste tube properly?

It can be easy to focus on all of the negative he does and become discontent.

Here are 3 steps to finding his good:
  1. Intentionally look for the good things he does. It may be something so small and insignificant. Like putting his shoes away, putting the toilet seat down, reading the kids a bedtime story, kissing a boo-boo or taking the trash to the curb. No matter what it is or how small it may be, purposely look for something good he does. When you are intentional about looking for the good things, two things will happen. First, you will find that he does in fact do good things. Second, it's hard to grumble about bad when we see good.
  2. Intentionally express gratitude. Thank him for everything. Thank him when he put something away, when he helps the kids with a task, when he does a chore around the house, when he puts gas in the car, even thank him for going to work. Thanking him shows him that you respect and appreciate him. Your man greatly desires your respect and appreciation. The more you show it to him, the more he is going to do to get it.
  3. Intentionally pray for him. When we pray for our husband, our love for him grows to a new level and it becomes easier to see the good as the negative fades away. Pray daily for your husband in all areas. Pray, also, that you will see his good and know how to express gratitude to him.
What are other ways you can intentionally find your husband's good? Share in the comments.


  1. Great stuff. Here is what makes me think twice: #1) Listen to yourself...what does your complaining say about you? This is the man that *you* chose. What you say about him is a reflection of your choice. #2) What about you? Do you do everything perfectly? Your man may not notice or even care about those things, but what about the hair in the sink or the many shoes under your bed? Whatever it is, you have some less than desirable habits too. Men may act like children at times, but treating them as such not only emasculates them, but crushes their spirit and causes them to withdraw from the team. These are things that I have learned from being a wife for over 30 years and two husbands. Thanks for allowing me to contribute!

    1. Mary, Good thoughts! Thank you for sharing. God bless!

  2. Great stuff. Here is what makes me think twice: #1) Listen to yourself...what does your complaining say about you? This is the man that *you* chose. What you say about him is a reflection of your choice. #2) What about you? Do you do everything perfectly? Your man may not notice or even care about those things, but what about the hair in the sink or the many shoes under your bed? Whatever it is, you have some less than desirable habits too. Men may act like children at times, but treating them as such not only emasculates them, but crushes their spirit and causes them to withdraw from the team. These are things that I have learned from being a wife for over 30 years and two husbands. Thanks for allowing me to contribute!


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