Today I want to give you a few mini marriage challenges. No matter what today holds. No matter how busy you are. No matter how disconnected you felt from your husband this weekend. No excuses.
*At 9am, send a text message to your husband saying you
love him and appreciate him
*At noon, call him up and ask him how is day is going
*At 3pm, either run to the convenience store to purchase him a soda and
candy bar or bake his favorite treat at home. Have it ready for when
he walks in the door from work
*At 6pm (or as soon as he gets home from work if it's later), pull him into the
bedroom for a passionate kiss
*At 9pm, snuggle up to him and tell him that you love him
Which of these mini challenges will be the easiest for you? Which will be more of a struggle for you? Do each challenge then comment here on the blog or over on Facebook letting us know you did the challenge and how you did!

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