Friday, July 13, 2012

Good and Necessary

So God created mankind in his own image,  in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. And there was evening, and there was morning —the sixth day. Genesis 1

Whatever you're feeling today lay it at the cross. Because you my sister, yes you...the one who's sitting there head down, eyes filled with tears...distraught with guilt and worry at doing the wrong things for her have a purpose. You were created in God's image. You were called VERY GOOD...before you were even thought of by your earthly were known, fully known and called very good by your Heavenly Father.

You are necessary in this part of your life. Sure you will make mistakes, yes you will probably cry yourself to sleep may even feel a bit worthless but just read those few verses in the are not just good, you are very good...and you are necessary.

"Look around you at the sphere of influence the Lord has placed you within. This circle of people and circumstances is in need of you. The touch, the experience, wisdom and feminine heart you bring into these arena's are all required if there outcome is to be what He has purposed it to be. You are not an addendum, a last minute after-thought that can be tossed out without notice. Without your participation and input, much will be lacking. This is God's intention."

Today I'm talking to myself as much as I'm talking to all of you out in the cyber hemisphere...

You see, my daughter just woke up from her excitement to see her daddy who is also home early, they woke up her little brother who is not such a nice person if he gets woken wasn't 5 minutes into the waking up scene that I began yelling (because anger is my go-to emotion) and my son started having a temper tantrum...even after I promised God, no more yelling. My life is not perfect. I am not perfect...

No matter what words I call myself...

A bad mom

God calls me...

Very good

"Being a woman was never a curse, being a mom was never meant to be a curse to be endured or a trait to be tolerated. It is a gift to be treasured and esteemed. It is God's chosen way for us to relate to Him as Creator and Father and to demonstrate, along with our male counterparts the unfolding love story of Christ's relationship with His Church. It is our special way of experiencing Him and His love for us in a harsh, critical, deconstructive world. And it is our gift to our generation and the world in which we live."

Today choose one of the many roles you currently play in your life, and record for each one how you are...

Good for it.
Necessary to it
An important component of it
Worthy to be a part of it
Trustworthy to fulfill your role in it

**Excerpts taken from The Resolution for Women Book, click here to order your copy today.

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