Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Beautiful Woman

Do you ever feel just blah?  I do.  There are times I feel like I am not good enough.  Not pretty enough.  Just not enough.  I buy a new outfit thinking I'll look nice then put it on and think it looked better on the hanger.  I'll get my hair done thinking it will look great only to go home and wonder why I did that to my hair. 

I have never met a woman who is completely satisfied and happy with her appearance.  But the truth is, we are all beautiful!  We are beautiful because we were made in the image of Christ!  Think about the creation.  After every thing God made what did He say?  It is good.  He never said, "oops!"  He made us and He thinks we are good. 

To Christ, we are beautiful!  That alone should make us feel good. 

"And so we are transfigured much like the Messiah, our lives gradually becoming brighter and more beautiful as God enters our lives and we become like Him" 2 Corinthians 3:18 The Message

When we have Christ shining through us.  When we are seeking Him and living a life for Him, we are made even more beautiful.

Sisters, today look in the mirror and say, "I am beautiful because God made me."  Believe it!  You are beautiful. 

Sweet Blessings~

Check out Lisa's personal blog post from yesterday for more on this topic.


  1. This is something I am working on. I have always felt that I am not good enough...I'm not pretty, I'm too fat, My teeth aren't white enough, I'm too loud, I'm this, I'm that...never good enough for anything. I know I'm good at the giftings God has given me...but me personally...not so much. Well, thanks to some of my beautiful sisters in Christ...I am learning that God doesn't see me like that at all. He sees me as beautiful because He created me. It's a long road, I think, but I will eventually get to the point that I honestly believe it!!!

  2. I'm not there yet but God and I are working on it. Thanks for this great post :)

  3. I am beautiful because God made me! I can say it... and the more I draw closer to God the easier it is to believe. Thanks Jenifer, great post!

  4. Hi, I congratulate you for wanting to do ministry on the web. Did you know there is already a woman's ministry Woman to woman. There is a radio program with that name. Check out the web site. womantowoman.com I just wonder if you would be infringing on copyright?

  5. To the anonymouse poster. Yes, I had checked out that site when we started. However womantowoman.com is a jewelry site not a ministry. Thank you for your help.

  6. God created us beautifully unique with each other. Be grateful of what you look whenever you see yourself in front of the mirror. God loves us and count your blessings!



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