Saturday, April 22, 2023


By:Grace Metzger

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is
True, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure
whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable whatever is commendable, 
if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise 
Think of such things
Philippians 4:8

Growing up whenever I was being negative or when I was having pessimistic view on things my mother would always tell me to think life. My mom had this belief that whatever our thoughts would focus on would not only affect our moods but our lives as well. Little me would roll my eyes at this, very sure that I knew better and that it was ok to say or think things with a negative attitude. I didn't see it being a big deal. 

However as I've gotten older I've noticed how dramatically things can change depending on if you approach them from a negative outlook rather than a positive one. Dealing with a situation thinking that the worse was going to happen made me feel like it was useless to try to fix it. I started believing that no matter what I did it was hopeless. I couldn't fix it, my prayers weren't fixing it and God wouldn't fix it. 

Giving up didn't help anything. But coming at any situation with a positive outlook, with a knowledge that God had control over my life, convinced me that putting in the effort wasn't for naught. 

This is the day the Lord has made
Let us rejoice and be glad in it
Psalms 118:24

My mom made me and my siblings say this verse everyday before we ate breakfast, told you my mother was serious about living a positive life. We said it so often I could recite this verse in my sleep. It's a wonderful verse that reminds us that God made this day so we shouldn't be complaining and worrying but rejoice and be glad. 

Instead of focusing on all the negativity, we can find joy and happiness through God's love. The Bible gives us so many verse about being happy and living a positive life.

Taste and see that the Lord is good. 
How happy is the person who takes refuge in Him
Psalms 34:8

How happy is the person who has put
his trust in the Lord
Psalms 40:4

Happy is the person who trusts in 
You, Lord of Armies
Psalms 84:12

Those are a few verse that talk about the joy you can find in the Lord. We don't have to let the negative thoughts control our lives. We can live a positive and happy life. We can get rid of these negative thoughts by focusing on God. 

Discussion Questions:
1.) What do you do when your negative thoughts take over your mind
2.) What do you find helps you live a positive life.


  1. Grace, this is so good! It is so important to think on Godly things and live in positivity.

  2. "... we can find joy and happiness through God's love." Focusing on God, thinking positively, may not change our situation but it does change us.


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