Thursday, December 1, 2022

Where Are You Christmas?


By: Donna Bucher

In thinking about preparations and the hustle and bustle of the season, I began pondering, "what makes Christmas, Christmas”?

In fact, a friend asked me the same question recently. After watching "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" they wondered if it would still feel like Christmas if there were no decorations, Christmas trees, gifts, or the traditional dinner and treats?


How about you? What makes Christmas, Christmas for you?


And if all of your decorations, Christmas tree, and physical symbols of the season were removed, would it feel like Christmas for you?

As we all know, even the Whos down in Whoville knew Christmas was more than Christmas trees, gifts, and feasting.


I still remember the first time I saw the story on TV; the scene where the Grinch sits poised listening for the wails of the Whos when they wake up and find there is no Christmas.


But instead, he hears the beautiful song of the Whos welcoming Christmas.


Even as a child I cried, because I knew there had to be more to Christmas.

Perhaps now more than ever, we should focus on welcoming Christmas in a new way. Don't get me wrong, I love seeing the Christmas lights, trees and decorations; I enjoy the special traditions and treats!


I especially treasure my Advent devotionals and pondering the nativity set I display in my home.


But Christmas is more than a day or a season. Christmas is written on our hearts.

Foretold in prophecy and depicted in shadows throughout the Old Testament, we find the roots of what we now call Christmas.


But at the birth of Christ it all became reality and God wrote the words of the new covenant on our hearts. (Jeremiah 31:33-34) 


The Greatest Gift ever given is not found under the Christmas tree; God has placed it in our hearts. The Spirit of Christmas lives in our hearts every day; it cannot be stolen, destroyed, or hindered by circumstances around us.

As you enjoy your Christmas decorations, Christmas trees, gifts, and gatherings, ask the Lord to open your eyes to Christmas within yourself and others.


Every human being bears the image of God. Though marred by sin, the image is not completely destroyed. Look for that image in others this Christmas.


We often take those closest to us for granted. Find ways to be grateful for God's image in your loved ones. At the same time, look on those you may not know, and honor them as image bearers

Christmas Spirit demonstrated in giving. The Christmas story speaks of giving. We give in many ways; God gave Himself for others.


Christmas often becomes about gift giving but consider other ways to "give". How can you best give with a Kingdom mentality, to demonstrate your love for your loved ones and others?

Christmas Spirit demonstrated in love. In John 15:12-13, Jesus leaves the commandment to love one another as He loved them. But He takes it a step further, to say there is no greater love than to lay down your life for another. If you cross reference this conversation, it points back to John 13, where Jesus washed the disciples' feet.


We tend to rush right to the example that Jesus "laid down His life" for His disciples (and all of us), and we brush past it, thinking we would not be asked to die for anyone, but if we did face death for a loved one, we would [hopefully] choose bravely.


However, Jesus' death had not occurred yet, He was not speaking of future events, He was reminding them of His "laying aside" His identity to wash their feet.


Consider how you can "lay down" your life, for others, loving as Jesus loved. Perhaps putting aside preferences and desires, and instead embracing inconvenience, sacrifice, and self-denial.

Trust me, sweet friend, if you look for Christmas within yourself and others through the ways listed above, your heart will grow in size exponentially just like the Grinch's did!


Ok, not literally in size, but your capacity for God and His desires will grow.


As He takes up more space in your heart, His love will overflow to you and others in ways you never thought possible!


Let the Spirit of Christmas written on your heart by God the Father, fill your heart, home, and relationships to overflowing as you hold the Greatest Gift ever given.

"May you experience Christmas in the smile of stranger, the laughter of a child, the tear of loss, the touch of kindness, and the embrace of a God who loved you enough to become flesh, live as you live, and ransom you with His life."



What makes Christmas, Christmas for you?


How will you share the Spirit of Christmas with others this season?


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  1. Such a beautiful Christmas post. I still get choked up every time I watch the Dr. Seuss cartoon and all the whovilles still celebrate Christmas when they have no gifts or food.

  2. Thank you, Amy! I am the same way with that silly Dr. Seuss cartoon, but how deep that message runs! Praise God Christmas comes to us no matter what! Beautiful Christmas blessings to you!


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