Friday, October 28, 2022

God Is Our Protection


By: Sarah Geringer

But let all who take refuge in you be glad; let them ever sing for joy. Spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may rejoice in you.
Psalm 5:11 NIV

As the leaves have fallen off the trees in my woods, I rediscovered this spiritual truth: God is our protection.

Look closely at the photo above. You'll see an oval shape near the center of the photo. It's a giant hornet's nest.

The tree in which this nest hangs is about 20 feet away from my front porch. The hornet's nest itself is the size of a large watermelon. I'm sure it housed (or is housing) many hundreds, if not thousands, of stinging insects.

Do you need reassurance of God's protection? Here's encouragement for you.

What I'm realizing is that this nest existed all spring and summer without my knowledge. It was hidden by the green leaves, then the yellow ones. Finally, once enough leaves fell, its presence was revealed.

I didn't know this real threat was present, but God did. I'm an outdoorsy person who spent many afternoons working on the porch not 40 feet away from the nest. My two dogs love frolicking around and under the tree from which the nest hangs.

In all our hours outdoors, God was protecting us from getting stung. I don't even remember seeing a single hornet from this nest. And I'm outside every single day, rain or shine. 

I'm reflecting on this lesson with awe and gratitude. I could have gotten stung countless times, and my dogs could have gotten stung too. Yet God was gracious to keep us unaware while apparently directing the hornets to fly elsewhere for several months.

If you know about the incredibly hard year I've experienced, you know that human and spiritual enemy activity is located right next to me. Since January, Satan has put a target on my physical location to try to steal my peace, joy, and even my mental and emotional health. He has persecuted me and my children through the actions of wicked people.

That's just the part I know about. But seeing that hornet's nest this week made me think about all the real and present dangers from which the Lord has protected me this year without even knowing they were near. This encourages me in the fight I'm still fighting, trusting that God is my protection from every possible angle, human and spiritual.

I know people who have kept hornet's nests on display. I'm thinking about calling my conservation department to get it removed. If they are able to take the nest down and assure me no danger is present, I may display it in my home as a reminder that God is our protection, even when we don't know it.

I pray that if you are needing reassurance of God's protection, this devotion encouraged you today. If you want me to pray for you, reach out to me HERE.

Blessings and God's peace to you,
Sarah Geringer 
Photo from


Check out my book, Hidden Manna on a Country Road, all about connecting with God through nature and prayer - available now on Kindle and in paperback Nov. 1. 

Reflection questions:

1. When has God protected you from something that you didn't even realize at the time, but now see through hindsight?
2. What might God be protecting you from in your current struggle?
Please share your thoughts in the comments below.

1 comment:

  1. I’ve never considered a hornet’s nest beautiful, but you sure made it seem beautiful! God’s care - seen and unseen—is beautiful isn’t it?


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