Saturday, September 24, 2022

The Beauty of Fall's Lessons

By: Melanie Moore

This past week we welcomed the official start date of Fall. This new season brings the excitement of cooler weather, cozy sweatshirts, football, beautiful leaves changing, and all the fun apple and pumpkin food goodies. Part of me will miss the beauty of summer, but I’m also ready to step into this new season.

Our lives are very similar— we are constantly walking from one life season to the next. It seems like as soon as we adjust to one season, it’s already time to step into a new one.

Babies becomes kids who are off to school. Kids become teenagers who learn to drive. Teenagers graduate high school and head off to college.

All of this could make us despair and long for life to stay the same. However, I have hope for you today! First, we serve a God who does not change. I’m the middle of life’s seasons and changes, we can hold firm to the truth that God is our firm foundation who remains faithful throughout all of life’s seasons.

Isn't that a wonderful truth to hold on to when everything around us feels like it's changing? God reminds us of his constant power and control - in each morning's sunrise and sunset, we are reminded that his mercies are new every morning!

The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases;
    his mercies never come to an end;
they are new every morning;
    great is your faithfulness.
“The Lord is my portion,” says my soul,
    “therefore I will hope in him.”

Lamentations 3:22-24 ESV

Next, God is using each and every season of our lives to teach us something new about Him! I encourage you to join me in pausing to ask God what he is teaching us in this current season of life. What did he teach you in the previous season of life now that you are in the other side of that season?

In the beauty of the Fall, I'm reminded to let go of things that harm my walk with Christ. Each time I see a leaf fall from the tree, I close my eyes and pray that God will help things fall away from me that do not bring honor to Him. What are we holding on to that might hinder us from knowing God more? Perhaps it is old grudges, unforgiveness, sins that we cling to even though they hurt us -- I pray God will open our eyes to each of these and help us to let them fall away, just like the leaves on the trees.

God is working all things for our good and for His glory. I encourage you to pause as we enter this new season of the year and pray in expectation of what God is going to do in your life.

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