Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Your Assignment from God is Important

By: Rebekah Hargraves

Photo Courtesy Of: Annie Spratt

"So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do everything for the glory of God."   ~1 Corinthians 10:31

We live in a culture where we are always comparing, always envying, always wanting what someone else has or wanting to do what someone else does. But here’s what we need to understand as Christ-followers: God doesn’t make mistakes. If you are in the season and assignment you are in right now, then that is what God has called you to, and it is important.

If God currently has you in college full time and/or also working a job, that is an important assignment.

If God has you currently working a 9-5 job that feels monotonous and mundane, that is actually an important assignment.

If God has you living life as a stay-at-home mom daily breaking up fights, wiping noses, making meals, changing diapers, and more (on repeat!), that is an important assignment.

If God has you living as a missionary on foreign soil sharing God’s love and truth with those who seemingly couldn’t care less about what you’re doing, it’s still an important assignment.

If you are a military wife facing a season of deployment and it feels like you’re just in a holding pattern for months on end, this is still an important assignment.

Whatever the assignment is that the Lord has for you in this season, don’t disparage it, wish it away, consider it not good enough, or view it as mundane. It is none of those things. It is a direct assignment from God, which means it ought to be worked at it with all our might, working for the Lord and His glory - not for the praise of others.

So, go out there, friend, and live out your assignment from God with dedication and passion. It is important!

Reflection Questions:

1. What lies have you been believing about your current assignment and its place in the kingdom?

2. What is your current assignment? How can you bring glory to God in and through it?

3. Who do you know who isn't seeing the importance of their God-given assignment? How can you encourage them with the truth?

1 comment:

  1. Your post brought to mind the Scripture which tells us not to despise small beginnings. "Whatever the assignment is that the Lord has for you in this season, don’t disparage it, wish it away, consider it not good enough, or view it as mundane." Amen. God can do much with even the mundane things we do each day!


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