Friday, July 29, 2022

Kindness Has a Hidden Power

By: Sarah Geringer

We are all hungry for the fruit of kindness in our contentious culture. 

Meanness seems to abound. But kindness has a hidden power that can't be denied.

Ephesians 4:32 reminds us to be kind to one another, tender and forgiving. That's the life Jesus wants us to live, and the Holy Spirit will empower us to be kind when we feel like being mean (or doing nothing at all).

Do you know that kindness has a hidden power?
Active kindness blesses people. Normally you can tell when someone appreciates a kind word or action. Their facial expression softens. Their eyes light up. They might even smile.

Passive kindness is a hidden blessing. When we don't react in anger but withhold our tongues in a spirit of kindness, we secretly bless the other person.

Here are examples of when we can do this:

  • Not complaining when a cashier doesn't offer the best customer service
  • Praying instead of voicing displeasure for a waiter who isn't very attentive
  • Assuming the best rather than deciding someone was being intentionally rude

Sometimes, the kindest thing to do is nothing at all. Times when you have the right to issue a complaint. But the Holy Spirit may nudge you to be kind and just let it go. Secret kindness is often more powerful than showing anger.

The hidden power for me in the above situations was walking away and feeling peaceful and released. When I've done the necessary confronting before (and it is definitely necessary sometimes), I leave all stirred up. But kindness grants me peace when I follow God's will.
Kindness holds hidden power to transform our hearts.
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Do you want to feel calmer? Less aggravated? Less weighed down? Try showing kindness, whether in active or passive forms. 

Let the Holy Spirit work through you, and listen for the times He prompts you to be kind. Then take action!

He bears this sweet fruit through you. You simply need to be the branch that bears His fruit. Be kind today, and bless someone else while you cultivate peace and godliness in your own heart.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Blessings and God's peace to you,

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Reflection questions:

1. What's the kindest thing someone ever did for you?
2. Who needs your kindness most today?

Note: The original version of this post published on this site on 6/29/2018.


  1. I hadn't thought of the distinction between active and passive kindness, but it's a good one, and both are needed.

  2. Love your reflections on kindness. I think today I need to show kindness to myself first.

  3. Yes, I have not thought of kindness this way either. I know it is a fruit of the Spirit but this helps shows what kindness looks and feels like. I have received much kindness in my life. I need to practice more passive kindness. Thank you!

  4. Lately, Ive been intentionally stricking a conversation with cashiers, resturant hosts and server, acknowledging them and showing kindness. I think kindness is an anomaly. We who bear the name of Christ should make it our norm.


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