Friday, September 10, 2021

Why Authenticity Matters

BySarah Geringer 

An honest answer is like a kiss of friendship.

Proverbs 24:26 NLT

If we want to pass our faith on to future generations, authenticity is a must. Studies show that younger people have been falling away from the church because they don't see how it is relevant to their lives. However, these same studies indicate that these people are open to, and even hungry for, authentic conversations about faith.

To be authentic about our faith, we need to have courage. Some of us are naturally wired to share our stories openly. Others need more practice. Either way, we can ask God for courage in sharing our stories with greater authenticity so others will be inspired to seek God more.

Authenticity requires self-reflection. In quiet times with the Lord, you can ask him to bring memories to mind. Not just memories of good times, but of the bad times with lessons that need to be shared. People curious about faith want to know that we Christians struggle just like they do. It's important to reflect on your struggles and victories so you can share an honest story.

Authenticity also requires prudence. I've been called "honest to a fault" in the past. I had to learn to share my stories only when the Holy Spirit prompted me to share them. I needed to refine my sharing to the main details that will help someone, rather than the whole story which could overwhelm them. You can ask the Lord for wisdom on what to share, what not to share, and when to share it.

Honest conversations need to take place inside relationships. You've probably already heard the saying: "People don't care until they know you care." Today's proverb demonstrates this fact. Honest answers and authentic stories are like kisses of friendship. They create warmth, which is inviting. People gravitate toward warmth, and that's why authenticity matters.

When you need inspiration for authenticity, turn to the Gospel of John. Read the stories of how Jesus interacted with others through the lens of studying authenticity. You'll see how Jesus invited people with warmth, listened well, and spoke the truth in love to them. He was the most authentic person who has ever lived, and he will help us all be more authentic in our relationships.

I hope these tips inspire you to be more authentic. Have a prayer request? Please leave it in the comments below. Here's a prayer to encourage you too:

Father God,

I praise you for always being honest and authentic with me.

I confess that I often choose to hide instead of showing my authentic self.

Give me courage to share my stories with authenticity.

Help me recall the stories that will make the most difference.

Show me who needs to hear my story this week, and help me authentically share it.

In Jesus' name,


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Have a blessed weekend!

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  1. Oh yes-"Show me, O God, who needs to hear my story this week, and help me authentically share it." I don't want to miss one of his divine appointments! Thank you, Sarah, for the nudge toward authenticity--and courage.


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