Just like with anything in life.....
Stage 4 breast cancer brings with it good days as well as bad. There can be days where I feel fine and like I'm ready to take on the world, and well other days......not so much.
Cancer, however, brings along a whole bag of unknowns with it. How much pain will it cause today? Will my white blood cell counts be high enough so I can begin chemo? Will the pain from the shots in the hips bring along sciatic nerve pain or not? How long can my hair keep falling out? Surely one of these days I'm going to wake up and they'll be nothing left? I sure hope I can get all my grocery shopping done before I get sick and feel like I'm going to pass out.
The list is endless.
The quiet pain that I tell no one about is sometimes unbearable.
There are days when I feel like no one gets it. Days when I wish a friend would call to say, "I'm coming over to help you today, no questions asked."
However, when that phone call doesn't come, when the pain is more than I can stand, I have one place that I turn to, a place where I know I'll always receive help.
"God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble."
Psalm 46:1
Where does my help come from?
The Lord and Savior of my life. He is the one that uplifts me and walks by my side. He is the one that gives me strength when the journey seems long and unending. He is the one who continually encourages me when the way seems dark.
What trial are you walking through today?
Whether it's health related, financial, family or marriage problems, I promise you God is there. You just need to reach out to Him.
Daily study His Word and meet with Him in prayer. Hunger and thirst after Him. Yearn to know Him and His ways better than anything else you've ever done. When you seek after Him I promise He will meet you there. He will lift you up out of the pit and pull you close to Him. He will give you new eyes to see with and the strength to see the light at the end of the tunnel.
I promise that once you release what ever your going through into His hands, the chains will break and you will be set free to live in Him. Don't waste another moment, give it over to Him today.
It is time for the Woman to Woman Word Filled Wednesday Link Up. We desire to connect women of God with one another and encourage each other in Christ. So grab a cup of coffee or glass of sweet tea, sit back and visit a few blogs. Be encouraged and share your own stories in their comments.
Use hashtag #w2wwordfilledwednesday
Three rules to this link up:
1. Must be a {Christian} faith post.
2. Link back to W2W somewhere in your post. (Feel free to use our button if you want!)
3. Visit and comment on at least one other blog in the link up.

Shari, I can't even begin to imagine all that you are going through. Thank you for sharing the pain and the frustration in this space because it helps us to know how to pray with compassion.
ReplyDeleteYes, Shari! Thank you for being real and humbly sharing your story and the pain! Praying over you but hoping you know how much our Father loves. He never intended for us to be in so much pain but Praise the Lord one day we will all get to see his beautiful face. I know these days are hard and painful but praying that He meets you in those moments with comfort and the love that only our dad knows:)
ReplyDeleteI can't even begin to imagine how rough that might be. You know that. You asked what I'm going through and it seems so trivial in comparison, but I've had a migraine since Friday. I finally went to the doctor yesterday and am on the mend. I definitely needed this reminder today though. My help comes from Jesus.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for sharing the Word. This is really a Word in due season. Thank you also for sharing how we can help a friend in a similar situation. May God give you all that you need in this season of your life.
ReplyDeleteThe cancer journey is a roller coaster ride for sure. While not personal to me, it has been a journey I have been on with those closest to me. I am so grateful our God keeps us steady through the ups and downs. Grateful you shared as now I can take time today to pray for God to strengthen you and supply you with all you need at this time. Blessings!