Sunday, July 31, 2016

God's guidance...

Decisions, decisions, decisions!  We are faced with making decisions everyday.  They can range from insignificant to important life-altering decisions.  In today's confusing political climate, many are undecided about who to vote for.  Others are facing decisions about their career, a possible move, or how to handle that child that is behaving in an especially challenging way.

I don't like making difficult decisions.  I'm one who wants assurance that I'm doing the right thing.  Because of this, I'd prefer God to guide me in very obvious ways, rather like this lighthouse that clearly stands out and shines brightly to guide ships safely into shore.

When you are in a conundrum about making a decision, from who to vote for or which of two job offers is the one you should accept, the good news is that repeatedly in the Bible we read about God's willingness to guide us.  He's not up there on His heavenly throne giggling as we run around in confusion, like rats in a maze.  He lovingly wants to guide us, to counsel us.  The whole while He's watching over us carefully like a good parent would.

Sometimes a decision has to be made spur of the moment.  You don't always have time to ponder and pray about what you should do.  It's a good idea to give God your day before you start it, to ask Him to lead, guide and protect you.  You could even use the verse above as your prayer. "God, I ask you to instruct me and teach me in the way I should go throughout this day." You will see that God really does help you through your day and that day's decisions when you do.

Sometimes, you do have time before a decision needs to be made.  When you do, don't be afraid to stand still and wait to hear God's voice.  He speaks to us through the Bible, through His Spirit speaking to our heart, or through godly counsel. When those three things line up, it's a wonderful confirmation of the direction He is leading you.

Aren't you thankful that God not only wants us to make good, wise, right decisions, but He also equips us to do so?

still following,

1 comment:

  1. Elizabeth,
    I am sure the Spirit led me to your blog over a year ago. Again very timely for me. One of my favorite verses is Psalm 46:10.....
    I know this yet thank you for the reminder to stand still and know WHO is working for our good.
    God Bless~


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