"5 Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. 6 Let your
conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone."
Colossians 4:5-6 NIV
What great advice! I don't want to reach old age (whatever that is) and realize I was known as the resident grouch. I don't want to regret not taking time to enjoy each and every opportunity that was presented to me. I want to make each opportunity count for the Lord. I know God opens doors for me; and He slams some shut. I want to look back on my years and know that I saw those open doors and that I ran through them eager to see what God had for me. I also want to run from those doors that He slams shut. I want to look back on my life and know that I treated others with respect and kindness. I want to look back on the words I spoke knowing that I was kind and not hateful. I want to give good advice and not just let words tumble out of my mouth! Sometimes being quiet is a good thing. It's better to be quiet than to spew hateful or worthless words.
It's funny how when we're younger we don't see the value of using 'seasoned' words. And all to often, as young people, we take advantage of the wrong opportunities. I pray that God will speak to me daily...and that I will listen...and that He will direct my paths and words! I trust Him to keep me mindful of each opportunity He presents and to keep my aware of the words I speak.
It's funny how when we're younger we don't see the value of using 'seasoned' words. And all to often, as young people, we take advantage of the wrong opportunities. I pray that God will speak to me daily...and that I will listen...and that He will direct my paths and words! I trust Him to keep me mindful of each opportunity He presents and to keep my aware of the words I speak.
I pray that you will use the opportunities God gives you for good. I pray that you will use seasoned words as you speak.
Have a blessed day.

Thank you for this post. I pinned it so I can refer to it often. I definitely need to be reminded to use seasoned words. I just drove my daughter and her friend home from school, and the driver in front of me wasn't driving right and I called him a "dumbo." Not a great example to my daughter's friend. So, thanks for this reminder.