By: Jenifer Metzger
Yesterday afternoon my husband went to a baseball game with friends. I was thrilled. This would not have been the case a few years ago. No, a few years ago I would have thrown a big temper tantrum.
What's changed? Well, I had to ask myself a few important questions. Now, I'd like to ask you...
Does your husband like to have "guy time"?
Does your husband have Christian friends?
Do you dislike your husband having "guy time"?
Do you dislike your husband's friends?
It wasn't until the past few years that I felt the need for friends. I was perfectly happy to surround myself with my family. But God showed me that I needed to have other women in my life to pray with and be encouraged by. I have been blessed beyond belief with the Christian women God placed in my life.
Our husbands need the same.
They need other Christian men in their lives. While men may not open up and share feelings in the same way women do, they still need Christian men to come along side of. They need to have one or two men that they can open up to, pray with, be encouraged by, bounce ideas off of, and relax with.
If your husband already has Christian men in his life, encourage him to spend time with them. If your husband and his Christian friend both enjoy watching football, offer to make game snacks and invite his friend over, then you and the kids head to the park or somewhere so they can have some guy time. Or if they both enjoy fishing, buy some bait and tell your hubby to take some time and go fishing with his Christian friend. Make sure your husband knows that you support his friendship. Be willing and even happy, yes happy, to give him time to spend with his friend.
If your husband does not have Christian men in his life, pray for God to send a Christian man into his life. It may be that he can connect with someone at your church or maybe God will bring someone new into his life. Maybe he could join a men's Bible study or even start one. But pray for him and be willing to encourage him to grow that relationship.
Ladies, we need to hold our husbands in prayer that God would bring Christian men into their lives. Then when they have a Christian friend, be sure to give him time to spend with that friend. If you do not allow that time or make him feel guilty for spending time with his friend, he may become resentful toward you or break off that friendship, which he needs.
The Word tells us that two are better than one (Ecc. 4:9) and that one man sharpens another (Prov. 27:17). God will honor your prayer and send your husband a good Christian man that can encourage your husband and be encouraged by him. This week I encourage you to spend time in prayer for your husband's relationships.
Does your husband have a good Christian friend? How often do they connect? Have you been holding him back from having friends? Share your experiences with us in the comments.
This is in part a repost from 2011. To see the original, click here.

Yesterday afternoon my husband went to a baseball game with friends. I was thrilled. This would not have been the case a few years ago. No, a few years ago I would have thrown a big temper tantrum.
What's changed? Well, I had to ask myself a few important questions. Now, I'd like to ask you...
Does your husband like to have "guy time"?
Does your husband have Christian friends?
Do you dislike your husband having "guy time"?
Do you dislike your husband's friends?
It wasn't until the past few years that I felt the need for friends. I was perfectly happy to surround myself with my family. But God showed me that I needed to have other women in my life to pray with and be encouraged by. I have been blessed beyond belief with the Christian women God placed in my life.
Our husbands need the same.
They need other Christian men in their lives. While men may not open up and share feelings in the same way women do, they still need Christian men to come along side of. They need to have one or two men that they can open up to, pray with, be encouraged by, bounce ideas off of, and relax with.
If your husband already has Christian men in his life, encourage him to spend time with them. If your husband and his Christian friend both enjoy watching football, offer to make game snacks and invite his friend over, then you and the kids head to the park or somewhere so they can have some guy time. Or if they both enjoy fishing, buy some bait and tell your hubby to take some time and go fishing with his Christian friend. Make sure your husband knows that you support his friendship. Be willing and even happy, yes happy, to give him time to spend with his friend.
If your husband does not have Christian men in his life, pray for God to send a Christian man into his life. It may be that he can connect with someone at your church or maybe God will bring someone new into his life. Maybe he could join a men's Bible study or even start one. But pray for him and be willing to encourage him to grow that relationship.
Ladies, we need to hold our husbands in prayer that God would bring Christian men into their lives. Then when they have a Christian friend, be sure to give him time to spend with that friend. If you do not allow that time or make him feel guilty for spending time with his friend, he may become resentful toward you or break off that friendship, which he needs.
The Word tells us that two are better than one (Ecc. 4:9) and that one man sharpens another (Prov. 27:17). God will honor your prayer and send your husband a good Christian man that can encourage your husband and be encouraged by him. This week I encourage you to spend time in prayer for your husband's relationships.
Does your husband have a good Christian friend? How often do they connect? Have you been holding him back from having friends? Share your experiences with us in the comments.
This is in part a repost from 2011. To see the original, click here.

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