Saturday, March 28, 2015


Life Happens.

Good. Bad. Indifferent.

The days keep moving forward.

What we do with each day says a lot about what we believe, who we are following and why we matter. Lately my life has been happening at a break-neck pace and although I know this is just a season, I constantly find myself stopping to remember to just breathe!

Anyone else?

I hope I'm not alone because sometimes it seems as though Satan takes wonderful, beautiful things in my life and tries to use them against me.

My dad and I were recently talking and he was being very transparent about his talks with God and his questions. You see, 17 years ago my dad was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease. It's a sneaky, mean disease that has slowly begun to take my dad's physical strength. I'm not one to ask God "why" and neither is my dad. We don't play games with the Creator of the Universe.

But sometimes we look around and wonder what God has planned. I know He has a plan. He says so lots of times in the Bible and if you doubt, just visit someone's home and look for a plaque with Jeremiah 29:11.

Those plans are HIS - not mine. Sometimes God shares specifics with me and sometimes I'm asked to walk by faith. My faith is stronger now because I have chosen to surrender to God's will instead of stubbornly fight against it - even when I don't understand.

Think about this scripture on this lovely Spring Saturday from Romans 1:20: 

"For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities - his eternal power and divine nature - have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse."
I read this scripture and think about how God shows His "secret" or "invisible" qualities to us through the things He's created.
Take a moment to think about the people in your life. The birds singing, the trees and flowers coming into bloom. Everything that is reborn, beautiful and full of life - THOSE things are representative of our God. Our Maker Who loves us more than we could ever know.
And yet, life happens.
Dad and I started talking about another verse from the Old Testament. Deuteronomy 29:29 says:
"The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may follow all the words of this law."
We started to almost giggle when we thought of God having "secrets". But He does! He sees everything and loves us the entire time.
I don't know what will happen next with my Dad's health, but every time I see a sweet baby, hear a bird sing or smell the blooming flowers
I sense my God's qualities wrapping me in His love and it becomes a little easier to let go of my secret fears.
Today I'm going to choose to let God keep His secrets and hold on to what He's shown me thus far. If we ever feel like we're in the dark concerning our situation we can hold on to scripture and answer the 3 statements I made at the beginning of this post.
What we believe - I believe God loves me and I am His.
Who we are following - I've chosen to follow God and God alone. I will listen to HIS voice, even when the world is screaming for my attention and my mind is filled with worry.
Why we matter - I matter because God created me and that means I can be an example of His invisible qualities to the people around me.
Tomorrow is Palm Sunday. The day we remember Jesus riding into town on a donkey as the people praised His name and shouted "Hosanna".
Oh the secrets Jesus held in His mind as He rode. Oh the cluelessness of the people around Him. Sometimes I'm surprised God continues to be patient with mankind. But it's good to know He didn't keep that reason a secret. He sent Jesus to show how much He loves us and He keeps loving us still.
Happy Palm Sunday!

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