Thursday, February 19, 2015

He is good...His love is unfailing!

by Debi Baker

"5 For the Lord is good.  His unfailing love continues forever, and his faithfulness continues to each generation."
Psalm 100:5 NLT

There is so much sorrow and sadness in the world today that it's easy to get 'down in the dumps.'  We need to remember that we are not OF this world, we are just IN it until that time the Lord calls us home to be with Him.  In every thing there is good and bad.  As Christians, we need to focus on the GOOD.  God created this earth and all that is in it.  God doesn't make junk.  So, if God created it and He doesn't make junk, then it stands to reason that there is goodness in all His creation!

Don't let the woes of this world get you down.  Look UP.  God NEVER fails.  God never leaves us stranded.  God loves us...forever and ever!!!  Sister, there is nothing that would cause God to stop loving you; you are His precious daughter!  Rest in that knowledge!!!

Have a blessed day!


  1. I praise God for His love and forgiveness. I don't know where I would be today if it wasn't for His love. Thank you so much merciful, God.


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