Something every family needs.
Something every family must make priority otherwise they will run around like crazy from one event to the other without realizing the cost on their family structure.
Some families are into sports.
Some families are into music.
Some families are into theater.
Some families are into socializing.
Some families are into church.
Some families are into ALL of the above.
The reality is that NONE of those things are bad!
In fact, they can be healthy, wonderful parts of our family life.
The problem comes in when balance is lost and, if you take the time to sit back, you will find that your family is exhausted, disconnected and frustrated.
The negatives outweigh the positives when your family peace starts paying the price.
How do you create balance?
Here are a few tips to help:
Keep a calendar and schedule free time for everyone. Especially for yourself.
Be Choosy. You don't have to let your kids do everything they bring a paper home for, every sport, every party, every play, every everything they might want to do. Allow them 2 or 3 or 4 things and then let them choose which activities to be a part of.
Explain cost. Do your kids realize how much things cost financially? Do they see how it effects your family time? Do they realize their busy schedule creates an even busier schedule for you? Do they know how much gas costs and that driving miles is expensive?
Keep family first. Not basketball or play practice or ski team. Family. That means dinner a few times a week, nights at home, movie nights, game nights... time together where you all are home, resting and recharging for the coming day.
Pray. What events does God want your family to be a part of? Are you teaching your kids to seek Him about every area of their lives... even sports, fun activities, social lives, band, choir... that God cares about each of these things?
Keeping balance in our family life is very important. Maintaining a peaceful home, making sure your family members get rest, actively prioritizing family time... all very crucial parts of parenting.
What are some ways that you keep balance at home?
Fun on the journey,

Jenilee, I LOVE this post!! Our boys play baseball and basketball, one girl plays volleyball and basketball and the other girl takes piano lessons. We are also heavily involved in church activities. It is so much and we are so busy but we make it a PRIORITY to have dinner together as a family. Even if on game days it is dinner super quick before we rush out the door or in the car together, it is still together. And we have one (at least one) night a week of nothing. We are very protective of this one night at home. On this night, when my husband gets home from work we have dinner -always at the table-, showers then we relax together. Balance is SO important. I also totally agree with keeping a calendar. I would be lost without mine!