Monday, April 15, 2013

Marriage Monday - Power of a Praying Wife Week 14

Integrity is not what you appear to be when all eyes are on you.  It's who you are when no one is looking.  When you are alone.  Who you are away from the church.

Integrity happens in the heart.  It is not a learned or inherited characteristic.  Being a person of integrity is a choice.  You must choose to be a woman of integrity and your husband must choose to be a man of integrity.  Choosing to do the right thing at all times, even when you are alone.  While integrity is a choice, it is something we can pray about for our husband.  We need to pray that he chooses to walk in integrity at all times.

Better is the poor who 
walks in his integrity
than one perverse in his ways,
though he be rich.
Proverbs 28:6

A man of integrity says something and means it.  He knows to let his "yes" be "yes" and his "no" be "no."  When he says something, does he stand by it?  Do you stand by what you say, as a woman of integrity?  Whether we are alone or in a full room, we should stand by our beliefs and convictions.  Pray that God would help you be a woman of integrity and pray God would help your husband be a man of integrity.

This week's prayer:

Lord, I pray that You would make my husband a man of integrity, according to Your standards.  Give him strength to say "yes" when he should say "yes" and courage to say "no" when he should say "no."  Enable him to stand for what he knows is right and not waver under pressure from the world.  Don't let him be a man who is "always learning and never able to come to a knowledge of the truth" {2 Timothy 3:7}.  Give him, instead, a teachable spirit that is willing to listen to the voice of wisdom and grow in Your ways.

Make him a man who lives by truth.  Help him to walk with Your Spirit of truth at all times {John 16:13}.  be with him to bear witness to the truth so that in times of pressure he will act on it with confidence {1 John 1:8-9}.  Where he has erred in this and other matters, give him a heart that is quick to confess his mistakes.  For You have said in Your Word, "If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.  If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness" {1 John 1:8-9}  Don't let him be deceived.  Don't let him live a lie in any way.  Bind mercy and truth around his neck and write them on the tablet of his heart so he will find favor and high esteem in the sight of God and man {Proverbs 3:3-4}.


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