Perhaps you can relate?
There's a deep desire in all of us to know what God's plan for our lives is. We want His blessing, we want Him to be pleased with us...We want more than anything to hear Him say "well done, good and faithful servant.."
Perhaps you're in this stage right now. Not sure what road to take. You want to do what God wants but you haven't heard from Him yet...
"He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly, to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God." Micah 6:9
Right there, that's what you need to know.
Do justice
Love Mercy
Walk humbly with God
Of course there is more details, God doesn't stop with the simple, He wants to move through us and in us like a wave. He wants to show us off, getting all the glory for the work He does in us..
But right now, whether you're waiting or heading full on into His will for your life remember these three things.
I'm a wife, a mom, I run a food pantry. That is His will for my life right now. To minister to my family and to the people of this town, holding nothing back storming full on, breaking every strong hold the enemy may try to put on us. Yes. And that makes me a mighty weapon for His Kingdom.
"Maybe as you come upon this Resolution you're already aware of what the Spirit is compelling you to do. Your heart is burning, Compassion is rising up within you. You could put your finger on the person or people He is asking you to show kindness to, to seek justice for.."
Realize His Will, then do it. Without reservation. Do it. It's time to move forward.

Micah 6:8 is one of my favorite verses! Beautiful post friend. God has a purpose for each of us.