Friday, June 1, 2012

Rushing, always rushing!

Good morning! Welcome to the very first Resolution for Women Bible Study  post. I will have some links and a few other suprises at the end of this post. You do not have to buy or do anything to join in on this study. Just hop on over here and join the discussion on facebook every Friday as we discuss and dive into how to live life according to God's Holy and Precious Word. I am no where near perfect and I need all the help I can get. My husband and I have been watching the Courageous movie a lot latley (I'm talking at least once a night for the past week) and I have been really convicted. I want the blessings of God on our house. I want to raise my daughter, raise my son up in God's word. I want to know exactly what God expects of me and how to achieve that. I want to live so close to God no one can see where I end and God begins. I want more of God in my life and I'm desperate for more. If this is you too please continue reading....

While you don't have to buy anything for this study you will have to make a little effort. When we find out exactly what God expects from us we are held doubly accountable. When we KNOW what we are to do God will one day ask us why we didn't do it. The world has it's views on what a Resolution should be but we are not making this resolution to live intentionally to the world we're making it to God. So today in your heart in your head, in your soul, in your life you will have to make the resolution to live according to God's perfect will. You will have to make the decision to keep an open mind and an open heart and the decision to pray through everything you read during our study. I don't know how long this will last, it's up to God. We are taking it slow, one week at a time. I don't want to just rush through yet another thing just to finish. I want to soak this in to my heart. I want to learn from God in this and I want to walk it out in my life. There will be challenges, when we start anything new for God things will rise up and try to discourage us. Maybe after you get done reading this you suddenly have to discipline the kids or snap at them for wanting your attention or get in an argument with your husband...don't give up! These things happen, there is grace and it's forgivable under the blood. Keep moving forward don't let the enemy steal what you have decided in your heart, in your soul and in your mind...keep going.

So today we talk about contentment...

I do Solemnly Resolve to embrace my current season of life and will maximize my time in it. I will resist the urge to hurry through or circumvent any portion of my journey but will live with a Spirit of Contentment.

I must say just reading this first resolution convicted me to the max! Do you ever go to bed at night thinking "my goodness, where in the world did the day go?" "What did we even do today?" "Did I remember to read to my kids or paint my daughter's nails like she asked?" Last night my husband and I were sitting on the couch, he was watching tv and I was having a silent...well I was listening while God was having a silent conversation with me in my head.....maybe you've been there...He brought to my attention that I honestly didn't remember a single thing we did during the day. Did I read to the kids? No...Did I read to Abbie her Bible like she practically begged me? No...Did I walk/exercise like I had promised my accountability friend I would? No... Oh goodness Lord I didn't do ANYTHING I had promised you I would today. I didn't do anything I had prayed about, not just action but in my word choice (not snapping or ordering my kids around, not losing my temper, not being lazy) Enter STRONG almost tearful conviction stage left...but wait there's more...we had rushed through the night too. From the time my husband had entered the door from work we were on full throttle...get the dishwasher loaded, get the laundry started, get dinner started, kids pick up your toys, turn the tv off, don't fight, why are you fighting?! Why are you whining?! It's like God was showing me a playback of our entire day and it was full speed ahead...we didn't once stop to just ENJOY family time. We didn't once stop to ask each other how our day was. We didn't even give each other a hug when he walked in the door...It was rush rush rush and I'm sorry to say it's like this every. single. night. We are rushing to get the kids off to bed so we can what? Lay on the couch and stare blindly at the tv? Yeah....God calls us to be content in whatever season of life we're in at the moment....we don't have to rush through our's plain selfishness that causes us to be blinded and start rushing.

True Godliness with contentment is itself great wealth. 1 Timothy 6:6
If we have food and clothing, with these we shall be satisfied. 1 Timothy 6:8
Make sure that your character is free from the love of money, being content with what you have; for He Himself has said, I will never desert you, nor will I ever forsake you. Hebrews 13:5

I don't know about you but I'm TIRED of rushing. My kids will only be little for a while. Ok laundry and dishes are a must but rushing? This is why I don't want to rush through this study, as moms/wifes it feels like we never complete anything there's always dishes there's always laundry, but let me tell you ladies, all these things are just seasons, there won't always be dishes and day your kids will be out of the house and the house will be deathly quiet.

For this week resolve to STOP rushing. To slow down and be content in this season of life. To notice every minor detail in your day. To look for the blessings God has sent you for that day. To look for the smile in your children, to look for the friendship of your co-workers. Slow down and while you are slowing down think on these questions...

What have you been hurrying through...
What have you been hurrying to get to...
what are some of the good parts of your experience that you've missed in  your attempt to rush through the more difficult ones?
What can you do differently today to gather up all the good things around you and begin enjoying the journey of your life?

Today I'm giving away 1 copy of the Resolution for Men and 1 copy of The Resolution for Women ( I don't have the Man one yet it's on order and should be here soon!) Here's what you have to do to win...they are a set so...This contest will last until the next Family Friday 6/8/2012

1) Comment on this blog explaining why you want these books/why you're joining the study
2) Tweet/facebook about this study/give-away then come back and comment again
3) Join us on facebook and Twitter and come back to comment that you did

If you would like to purchase these books you can click here for the Women and here for the Men. This website is the cheapest I've found for these books!

I will be posting videos and things from the Courageous Movie on our Facebook Page periodically so please be sure to join us there through-out this study!


  1. Mandy, WOW! Such WISDOM and ENCOURAGEMENT in this post. And quite a bit of conviction, smiles. I am SO excited for this study! Cannot wait to dive in!


  2. Great post! I am joining this study because I think I really would benefit from it. I've never been involved in a study and I think it will be a good commitment for me. Would really love to get the books! :-)

  3. I've already joined w2w on facebook and Twitter.

  4. Mandy, I am so impressed with your post today! Every thing I have read today makes me want to cry...the Sweet Blessings post did and so has your post! It seems as though we are on auto pilot lately. Everything is going 90 miles an hour...every day! I am tired! I am tired of going full steam ahead and getting nothing accomplished.

    I LOVE your comment...I want to live so close to God no one can see where I end and God begins. This is me! This is absolutely me! I would love to win this study because I am so desperate for MORE of God! I know it would help me!

    God bless!

  5. I already follow on Twitter & FaceBook!

  6. So.. I'm not the only one who is rushed all the time and feels bad about it? Loved this post :) Looking forward to the series.

  7. Hi Mandy, I found this page through Jenifer's recent post and so glad to have found it! My parents gave my husband and I both copies of the Resolution books as Christmas gifts and I have finally read through the first chapter last month :) I was thinking about posting about it myself and copying several paragraphs from the book because I LOVE how Priscilla Shirer writes. My brain works very much likes hers :) Anywhoo, I'll be following you as you move along, thanks for encouragement. I will pray that Jesus helps me to remember to sllloowww dowwwnnnn.

  8. Already following on Twitter!

  9. First of all, thank you for posting this study. I know I NEED it because I need to learn how to stop rushing to get no where. I feel as though it is a must that I rush through everything....for what? I have no idea, I just have to. And I hope this study has a segment on PATIENCE because I lack that too. I am very excited about this study!

  10. I'm following on twitter and facebook. :)


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