Thursday, December 1, 2011

Let's De-Stress This Holiday Season!

The Christmas season is upon us and with it comes feelings of stress as well as many other feelings...good and not so good.  Personally, I love the season from Thanksgiving all the way through New Year's, with Thanksgiving being my favorite, of course.

Christmas is not meant to be stressful but with all the commercialization it has become a time when most everyone is thinking about gift giving.  I think that we have truly forgotten what gift giving is supposed to be.  It's not supposed to be filling the under side of a tree until the gifts pour into the room.  It's not supposed to be about buying the better gift for that person that we'd really rather not be buying for.  It's not supposed to be about going so far into debt that it takes till next Christmas to pay off.  It is supposed to be about blessing someone that has blessed you...not in a specific way...but in a way that has made you a better person. 

Every year I say I am going to boycott Christmas.  I say this because I am tired of the thing that we have turned it into and not because I don't like Christmas.  I want to remember WHY we celebrate this day.  I know that December 25th is not the 'day' that Jesus was actually born; it is simply a day that somebody, somewhere chose to celebrate.  I don't really care 'when' the actual birth day of our Savior is...I just want to celebrate His birth and what a wonderful Gift our Heavenly Father gave us.

There is no greater gift in the world than that of a Savior.  While I will not 'boycott' Christmas, I will try desperately to not get caught up in the commercialization of the season.  That is not always as easy as it sounds, is it?  I want to remember the Real Reason for the Season.  That Reason is the reason that I can live a life of joy in a time of economical turmoil.  That Reason is the reason that I can know that I know that I know that I am going to live for eternity with my Lord. 

Yes, I am going to de-stress my Christmas holiday by remembering that God gave me an amazing Gift that changed my life.  Therefore, I will do my best to give gifts to those that I love and that have made a difference in my life...the kinds of gifts that will make a difference to them.

Have a blessed Christmas season...and please, remember...God gave!


  1. Great post. I refuse to let this CHRISTmas season become too busy for CHRIST.

  2. Debi,

    Amen to this, when people ask me what I want for Christmas, I tell then the best present they could give me is go to Christmas eve service with me, no one has yet to take me up on my offer of giving me a gift that will cost them nothing, but I am not giving up, one of these years someone is going to say yes.


  3. Thanks for this: 'Yes, I am going to de-stress my Christmas holiday by remembering that God gave me an amazing Gift that changed my life.'

    I also am going to de-stress my holiday by remembering ... Thank you very much!


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