Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Be Imitated

Have you ever watched a child imitate their parent? I think of the seen from Jaws where Roy Schneider (Chief Brody) is sitting at the table with his youngest son.  His son watches his every move, and begins to mimic his actions.  It's really a sweet moment in the movie.

Little girls will pretend to care for their "babies" they way they've seen their mom or dad care for a younger sibling.  Young boys will pretend to build things or do other behavior that mimics their dads.  You might even hear your child scolding their dolls the way they have heard you scold them. 

At 14, my son doesn't imitate me, but he does watch me.  Apparently I make a lot of faces when I am concentrating. (smiles)   Just this morning he must have asked me at least five times why I was making that face.

Someone is always watching us.  It may be something as innocent as our child copying our behavior, or it may be a nosy neighbor wanting to see what we are up to.  Someone is always watching.

What do people see when they watch you?

Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ.
1 Corinthians 11:1

Paul told the church in Corinth to imitate his behavior, but it wasn't because he wanted everyone to be like him.  Paul desired that the new believers would become more like Christ in their thoughts and behaviors. And he understood that he must model what it looks like to be a Christian; to be Christ-like. 

So, what do people see when they watch you? 

Are we imitating Christ with our words and actions?  Do we look like Jesus in our behaviors or do we more closely resemble the world? 

Most of the people that we encounter everyday are lost and looking for hope.  They don't need to see another discouraged, disgruntled face.  They don't need to see us, because we can't save them - but Jesus can!  So we need to shine for Him.

So all of us who have had that veil removed can see and reflect the glory of the Lord. And the Lord--who is the Spirit--makes us more and more like him as we are changed into his glorious image.  2 Corinthians 3:18

I want to challenge and encourage you to shine for Jesus today.  Let's strive to walk out the faith that we profess so that we too can say:  Follow me as I follow Christ.

Many blessings,


  1. Wow Lisa - its quite a thing to think our every move is being watched by someone. But the one we must most be aware of is God. I want to please is Him.
    God bless

  2. Someone is always watching. Whether it is our children, neighbors, unsaved loved ones or strangers at the store. Sadly, I don't think my actions do not always reflect Christ. But I deeply desire that. Something to work on...

  3. C.S. Lewis' godmother Sarah wrote this to him...

    Remember the Halloween that you dressed up as a princess and I dressed up as your fairy godmother, complete with wings and a wand? Well, the Christian life is something like that. We put on the outward behaviors of the kind of people we want to become—in this case, we want to be like Jesus—and those outward behaviors gradually begin to change us on the inside. Eventually, one day, you really will be a princess—a daughter of the King, inside and out. And I really will be the godmother your parents asked me to be for you. Until then, we must pray for each other.

    I am
    your affectionate godmother,


    Loved your message Lisa! So very true.

  4. Sobering thoughts worthy to be heeded. Some day I will be held accountable and I want to be pleasing.

  5. Wonderful encouragement to be His light to others! Blessings!


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