Sunday, June 9, 2024

From "Help Me, God!" to "Yes, Lord"


By: Paula Short

"I have been crucified with Christ, and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me. So the life I now live in the body, I live because of the faithfulness of the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me." Galatians 2:20— NET

When I reflect on my journey of faith, one lesson stands out as the most difficult to learn: surrendering to Jesus. Throughout my life, I found that every time I tried to navigate life on my own, I ended up falling short. Okay, I failed. It became increasingly evident that I needed Jesus more than ever.

When I was a newbie Christian, I grappled with giving everything to Jesus entirely. In my prayers, I caught myself attempting to assist Him and interjecting my own plans. I struggled to let go and surrender completely. The concept of surrendering my will to His felt like an impossible challenge. It was a battle to relinquish control and recognize that His way is the only way, and my own understanding paled in comparison; in fact, my own understanding stinks.

The process of surrender was far from easy. I experienced feelings of guilt when I couldn't make the change instantaneously. However, as I matured in Jesus, I began to grasp the significance of surrender. It gradually became easier to release my everyday circumstances and heart to Him. Through this journey, I've come to understand that He is constantly working behind the scenes for my good and His glory, even if I can't see it.

Another aspect that proved challenging was accepting God's timing, which often differed from my own. I had to learn to embrace His "yes," "no," or "not now" in response to my prayers. Patience became a virtue I had to practice as I waited and wait for His perfect timing.

I want to emphasize that learning these lessons was far from easy. Sometimes, it was downright brutal. But, as time goes on, surrendering to Jesus became more natural. As I mature in my faith, I recognize His hand at work. I find comfort in the fact that He is orchestrating everything for my benefit and His glory.

Reflect With Me

As I reflect on my journey of surrendering to Jesus, I am in awe of the gradual yet powerful transformation that has taken place within me. With each step of surrender, I have felt a profound sense of peace and fulfillment that can only be attributed to His presence in my life. This ongoing process of surrender has been instrumental in my personal growth, and I deeply appreciate the valuable lessons I have learned along the way.

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