Wednesday, May 8, 2024

When Mother's Day Hurts

By: Jenifer Metzger

Mother's Day is just days away. For many women, this is a special day, one they look forward to, one that brings joy. Yet, for many women, Mother's Day is painful.

Whether you have faced infertility, miscarriage, child loss, a prodigal child, a broken relationship with a child, a broken relationship with your own mother, or the loss of your mother, Mother's Day can hurt. So what do you do when Mother's Day isn't the joyous holiday others see it as?

Reach out. Is there another lady you know in a similar situation? Reach out. Meet for lunch or coffee. Share your experiences, encourage one another, and pray together. Having someone to talk and pray with who understands our situation can be a blessing. If you don't know anyone in a similar situation, reach out to your pastor, chances are he knows someone you can connect with.

Be available. Maybe you are a more mature woman who knows a lady who lost her mother, reach out to her and offer to take her to lunch or buy her flowers. Having a mother figure doesn't replace her own mother, but can take her mind off her grief for a few moments and let her know she is loved. Or perhaps you are a younger woman who knows a more mature woman whose children won't be visiting her this Mother's Day, you can offer to take her dinner or include her in your own celebrations. Again, it won't replace her own children, but it let's her feel included and loved.

Opt out. Many companies who email you with their ads and updates offer an opt out option for their Mother's Day emails. Doing so helps you to not see post that may bring pain.

Focus on the good. Even though you may be feeling pain, even though you may be facing difficult days, there is always good to be thankful for. Focus on the good and give thanks to God for all the blessings He has brought you.

Lean on God. When we hurt, the Lord is near. He sees our hurt. He knows our heart. We can lean into Him and rest knowing that He is right there with us. Spend extra time in worship and in the Word and let His love saturate your heart.

The Lord is near the brokenhearted;
He saves those crushed in spirit.
Psalm 34:18 CSB

Mother's Day isn't a beautiful day for so many women. If you are one, please know you are not alone. You are in my prayers this week as we inch toward a day that brings you sorrow. May I pray for you?

Father, I lift up the woman who is dreading the coming Mother's Day. No matter the reason, this day is difficult for her. I pray you would touch her heart. Bring healing where there needs to be healing. Bring comfort where there needs to be comfort. Help her to feel Your great love and help her to be surrounded by people who love her. I pray this Mother's Day would be a peaceful, blessed day for her. In Jesus name, amen.

1. Is Mother's Day difficult for you? If you would leave your first name, I would love to pray for you by name.
2. From the above suggestions, what can you do to help Mother's Day not be such a hard day this year?
3. If Mother's Day is not a difficult day for you, what can you do to help someone who does struggle with the day?


  1. Julie Prodigal Adult Child

  2. Usually I sit at home and sulk. My two adult daughters have disengaged themselves from me. My oldest (27) #D13B53 spoken to me in 7 years. And my youngest (22) and I text occasionally. I've been praying for reconciliation for years. I miss and love them. Anyhow, I started going to my best friends house for Mother's Day dinner. While I really don't want to go out, I think it's good for me to be around others.

  3. Apparently I can't spell. I meant to say my oldest hasn't spoken to me in 7 years.


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