Monday, May 13, 2024

We Pass Through the Valley

 By: Joanne Viola

Being a person who is unable to watch anything tense or scary, when alone at night I tend to flip to HGTV and watch a few shows. The ending is always good:

  • Perspective buyers always buy their dream home in thirty minutes. Seriously, it took us over a year when looking to buy a home.
  • Renovations are completed in sixty minutes. Again, our home renovations took about 3 months. Maybe 4.
  • Every roadblock has the easiest and quickest solutions. Ours were complicated and stressful. We thought we’d never get them resolved.
  • Whether a sale or a renovation, they are always under budget. Enough said on this one.

As I sat in the soft light of the TV, my thoughts began to stir.

We are becoming a people who want our lives to be changed
in the speediest of ways.  

I read this quote last week:

“The best way out is always through.”
(Robert Frost)

Life is a journey, a process. Reality transformation shows are making us think our challenges should be resolved just as quickly as thirty minutes. Maybe sixty.

But the journey –
the real life process – takes time.

His time.

Passing through the valley of Baca they make it a spring; 
The early rain also covers it with blessings.
They go from strength to strength,

Every one of them
appears before God in Zion.

(Psalm 84:6-7, NASB)

The valley of Baca was thought to be a valley of weeping. We can apply this to any difficult or painful circumstance in life. It’s the place where we feel hopeless, helpless, and without any relief.

There is such promise and hope to be found in this verses:

  1. Every challenge is temporary. We come through. The enemy would have us to think we are stuck forever. Things will never change. Nothing good is going to happen. But God takes us through – we come out on the other side!
  2. There is a future. God promises there is something which comes from it all. It will become a place of blessing.
  3. We grow stronger. Somehow in the midst of the challenge, the obstacles serve to energize and strengthen us.

“The people who love God expect to pass through this valley and not remain there. They get a blessing from the experience, and they leave a blessing behind.”

 (from The Wiersbe Study Bible, page 832)

May we keep walking,
until we are through and

see what we will one day become.



Are you going through a difficult circumstance? Which of the three promises above do you need to hold onto at this time?


Photo by Fineas Anton on Unsplash






  1. It's odd that all our time-saving devices have made us more impatient. There's a process to most things that can't be hurried.

    1. So true, Barbara. There are some processes, and journeys, in life that cannot be rushed through. The lessons gleaned come only in God's own time and way. I am just grateful He takes us from strength to strength, providing all we need along the way. Bless you, friend, for your constant sharing and encouragement!


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