Thursday, May 30, 2024

A Psalm of Praise


By: Donna Bucher

Enjoying the gay robins' jaunty tunes sent me in search of my favorite Psalm of praise, Psalm 145. Penned by David, the words of glorious praise compose a Hebrew acrostic. Each line of the psalm begins with a letter of the Hebrew alphabet in sequence, which of course we miss when reading the psalm in English.

Upon the conclusion of my morning praise time praying Psalm 145 to the Lord, the idea struck me to compose my own psalm of praise.

Spending time in my garden, embracing the hidden hope of spring, moved my heart to praise for the ways of my Creator. Watching the enthusiasm with which the robins welcomed spring, impressed me to slow down and consider the many blessings adorning my life.



Abundant goodness overflows your hands as the golden sunbeams cover the earth at dawn. My heart cannot hold all you intend for me.

Blessed be your great and marvelous name in all the earth. For at Your name evil flees, and the earth quakes with Your power.

Compassion fills your eyes for broken sinners, for those in bondage to darkness. The depth of your love moving you to come, rescue, redeem, restore.

Delivering all those who call upon you, who from the shadow of death cry out in hope. None will you deny, none will you send away.

Eternal One, knowing the end from the beginning, you rewrite my story, beyond my limited sight. A love enduring my punishment; you claim me as yours.

Forgiving, you cleanse my sin, gifting me your righteousness, justifying me as your own. Abiding faithful though I fail, your arms receive me once again.

Glorious Grace, lavished upon your beloved, a precious anointing oil for all who seek you in sincerity. Though undeserved, your grace gift transforms the wayward soul.

Healer of sin sickness, broken lives, and painful diseases; you shroud me with your comfort. Providing for every need of emotion, spirit, and body.

Infinite as the stars populating the heavens, are your benefits to your children. Ways immutable, past understanding, encompass all your wonderful works.

Joyful in your thoughts toward me; your delight washes over my countenance like the waves of the sea. Your song in the night calms my fears.

King forever you reign, a kingdom established forever in the heavens, your Throne over all. King of kings, none surpasses your glory.

Lovingkindness forever crowns your people with your abundant tender mercies and goodness each day. Kindled in the sunrise and whisper soft in the sunset.

As spring strengthens its timid voice as each day grows steeped in new Light, free the praise dormant in the winter of your heart. Reclaim a heart of lavish praise for God in the newness of earth’s life and sing creation’s song of spring to the Creator!



What words of praise come to your mind today as you reflect on God’s goodness?

Take a few moments to write your own hymn of praise to God!

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