Tuesday, May 28, 2024

A Prayer for Wisdom

 By: Rebekah Hargraves

Photo Courtesy of: Alex Shute

"Now if any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God—who gives to all generously and ungrudgingly—and it will be given to him."

~James 1:5 

Are you facing a situation that seems so huge to you, that you can't possibly tackle it? Does it seem like that situation can't possibly be worked out "to the good of those who love the Lord"? (Romans 8:28) Are you going through a hard and trying time that is testing your strength and endurance? Perhaps you have some big life-changing decisions to make and don't know what to do. If you fit into any of the above scenarios, don't fear, dear friend! There is hope, strength, and encouragement to be found. Simply run to your Heavenly Father.

If you are in desperate need of wisdom, first know you are not alone! We all regularly find ourselves in need of more Christ-like wisdom and discernment for our day-to-day lives. Know also that you are not a hopeless case! Wisdom will be granted to you if you just ask for it - God has promised us that. And He never ever goes back on His promises.

This beautiful verse (a favorite of mine for many years!) shows us that when we ask the Lord for wisdom, He will give it to us generously. This promise brings to my mind the story of Solomon. 

The Lord had asked him what he desired and told him that whatever it was would be granted to him. Solomon asked the Lord for wisdom. He then went on to become known as one of the very wisest of men, even going on to write the majority of the book of Proverbs. He's a prime example of the truth that when we ask God for wisdom, He will grant it to us happily and generously. 

God doesn't desire His children to be in the dark, without wisdom and discernment - this could result in His children becoming easily deceived by the enemy. Instead, God desires to give His children wisdom, and to give it in abundance. It's important to Him that we learn the art of discernment and grow in our understanding of wisdom. But we need to ask Him for those things! 

We can't expect wisdom to just be handed to us on a golden platter, with no effort to first walk in step with the Spirit. We first have to ask God for wisdom and direction, and then He will give it in abundance as we remain in prayer, in His Word, and in the counsel of godly believers. 

So, take heart, dear friends! You are not alone. God is with you and desires to bless you with abundant wisdom. He will grant to you the wisdom you need to make it through whatever situation you find yourself in today. You can count on that promise. He will never leave you nor forsake you. 

If you're anxious over some choices that you will soon need to be making, don't be! Rest in your Savior's loving and open arms. He's ready to comfort you, to bless you with wisdom, and to help you learn the art of discernment. Never fear - the Lord is always with you, guiding you every step of the way. He's got you and your life fully in His all-wise hands, and you truly can trust fully in Him!

Reflection Questions:

1) To whom or what do you tend to turn first when in need of wisdom?

2) Are you regularly spending time in the Word and in prayer? These are crucial for us to grow in wisdom and insight.

3) What life situation are you currently in where you need discernment? Have you prayed about that situation?

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