Thursday, April 25, 2024

Spring's Hope for Spiritual Renewal


By: Donna Bucher

Pondering the timid entrance of Spring in these chilly days of April, my mind continues returning to the theme of renewal. Awed and inspired by the resiliency of creation as new life pops up in even the untidiest of gardens. I wonder at spring’s hope for renewing the dry places in my own spiritual garden.

A vital component of a mature Christian’s walk with God, the need for spiritual renewal often goes unnoticed. But spring’s hope for renewing the dry places in creation, also invites us into a closer look at the needs of our own spiritual garden.

Seasons of life take their toll on our spiritual garden in the same way the change of meteorological seasons and harsh weather conditions challenge creation.

Trials, prolonged suffering, illness, and pressures of everyday life create the need for spiritual renewal. Spring’s hope in creation reminds us renewing the dry places in our spiritual lives brings the refreshment we need after harsh seasonal changes.

Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.

2 Corinthians 4:16

Due to our sin nature and separation from God, our physical bodies deteriorate day by day moving towards ultimate physical death. But God sent His Son, Jesus, to purchase our redemption, providing eternal life for our spiritual inner man. (John 3:16)

In Christ, God provides the way to renewal of the inner, spiritual man, which will one day become evident, springing forth from the dead remains of our physical bodies.

In the meantime, embracing spring’s hope for spiritual renewal, helps us tend our spiritual gardens. As I pulled away dead stems and debris from around a few of the Jacob’s Ladders in our garden, my thoughts turned towards the wounded and dry places in my own spirit.

Sometimes the winters of life leave us with the debris of hurts, frustrations, and even neglect which requires attention if we want continued spiritual growth.

How can we experience spiritual renewal? By first understanding God promised renewal, and only He can provide the renewal we need. True spiritual renewal comes only from spending time in God’s Presence and the Word of God.

Keeping up with life, provides one of the reasons we end up stuck with spiritual barrenness. I often have awareness of a few spiritual dry places, but instead of stopping, I push on ahead keeping all the balls in the air.

Before long, my spiritual garden becomes an unkempt, tangled mess. Try incorporating the following mindfulness exercises as a way of regularly renewing the spiritual dry places.

Relinquish. Set aside your schedule, demands, responsibilities long enough to bring awareness to those areas feeling dry, wounded, and broken.

Rest. In God’s Presence. Allow the feelings of dryness or emptiness to come to the surface. Consider your real needs around the wounded and broken places. Meditate on God’s steadfast love for you. (Lamentations3:22-23)

Reflect. Where exactly is renewal most needed? Where are you most weary?

Intentionally set aside time over the course of a few days, even five or ten minutes at the end of your daily quiet time, or as you close out your evening. Keep your Bible close by, and a journal or scratch pad.

Avoid approaching your spiritual garden as a problem which needs fixing, but rather with a curious, loving gaze. As you sit quietly, breathe slowly and deeply, allowing the Holy Spirit these moments for refreshing and reviving you.

The beauty of spring’s hope for spiritual renewal comes through the nurturing of the Holy Spirit. His gentleness with your wounded, parched places, brings refreshment and healing. Fostering new, spiritual growth from the very places which seemed so barren.

But you must surrender to the caring hand of the Master Gardener, who alone knows your deepest needs for revival. Whose hands mold times and seasons, calling forth life buried deep within the withered, weary places of your heart.


Where are you feeling most spiritually dry?

What troubles you the most about your spiritual garden?


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