Thursday, December 14, 2023

Placing Peace at the Center of Your Christmas


By: Donna Bucher

No other holiday induces as much anxiety and stress as Christmas, yet the purpose of the holiday is to celebrate "Good Tidings of Great Joy, and Peace on earth, goodwill toward man." (Luke 2:10-14


The best way to ensure you don't become a victim of holiday stress is to create intentional moments for rest, reflection, and restoration.


This week, let's sit back, breathe, and invite the Peace of God into our hearts and homes through an easy acrostic reminder.


P- Pause. No matter how hectic your schedule, or pressing the demands before you, there's always time for a pause. Whether things are going smoothly or quickly falling apart, taking time to Pause changes everything. Simply take five, ten or fifteen minutes to breathe and look around you before continuing. You may be surprised at the results!


E- Embrace. The moment, the mess, the hard; all of it. Choose the imperfect now over the quest for the perfect "then." Lean into God's sovereignty over your agenda; keep a loose grip on your plans, so you stand ready to embrace God's plans for your day.

A- Abide. Keep your devotion date with God; don't let a full day of activities, chores and errands steal the best part of your day. Quiet your mind and heart by starting your day with Him, meditate on a verse of scripture, read a short passage, pray.

C- Celebrate. Slow down, make time to celebrate the moments, people, and experiences of the season. Enjoy the lights, wrappings, treats and blessings of giving, receiving, and serving.

E- Entrust. Most of all, entrust the outcome of all the seasonal events, preparations and gatherings to God's sovereign hand. Cherish the hearts of those you love and avoid allowing unrealistic expectations a place in your home.

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Philippians 4:6-7

Antidote For Holiday Driven Anxiety

Not only did Jesus bring us the opportunity to have peace with God in the form of forgiveness for sin and a reconciled relationship, but as the Prince of Peace He offers us the opportunity to have the peace of God in every situation in which He is Lord.

  • Peace in trials and stressful situations. "My peace I give you...Let not your heart be troubledJohn 14:27
  • Peace in relationships, "Keeping the bond of peace and unity..." Ephesians 4:3

  • Peace of mind, "And the Peace of God will keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:7

Navigating the holidays can feel more like a mine field than the "most wonderful time of the year"; but viewing the season from a place of Peace changes your perspective.

Instead of allowing the demands of your schedule, others' expectations and overwhelm dictate your course, choose to remain focused on what God has for you this season.


In what area do you struggle the most with anxiety during the holidays?

How can choosing to remain focused on what God has for you this Christmas bring you Peace?

Find more encouragement and FREE Resources at Serenity in Suffering!


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