Tuesday, September 12, 2023

You are in Ministry!

 By: Rebekah Hargraves

Photo Courtesy of: Unsplash+

 "Jesus came near and said to them, 'All authority has been given to me in heaven and on earth. Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe everything I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.'”

~Matthew 28:18-20

Oftentimes we refer to people who are pastors, chaplains, missionaries, elders, authors, worship leaders, and deacons as being “in ministry”. And while it is certainly true that they are in ministry, I would say that our definition of what constitutes as being “in ministry” needs to change. Because here’s the thing - if we are saved, we are all called to be Great Commission workers, ministers of the gospel who have been given the ministry of reconciliation, and ambassadors of Christ to a fallen world. If we are followers of Christ, we are called to be “in ministry” every single day of our lives. If we truly grasped this, we would understand that:

The stay-at-home mama teaching her children about Jesus is in ministry.

The executive at the high-profile office who shares the gospel with a co-worker is in ministry.

The single woman who has a neighbor over for a cup of coffee and an encouraging chat is in ministry.

The school teacher who daily prays for her students is in ministry.

The grandmother who sends notes of encouragement to her family members is in ministry.

The man who loves his wife as Christ loved the church and is raising his children in the nature and admonition of the Lord is in ministry.

The writer and podcaster who does what she does to spread the good news of God’s Word is in ministry.

The nanny who cares for the children of a single mom in her own home is in ministry.

The lady who makes a meal and delivers it to the new mama or the post-op patient or the shut-in from church is in ministry.

You, sweet sister, as a follower of Christ, are in ministry. That is to be the default position of the Christian. The question is not will you be in ministry? But rather, what will you do with the ministry God has already given you?

Reflection Questions:

1) Have you been believing that you are in ministry? If not, why not?

2) What ministry has God given you to do in this season of your life?

3) How can you operate from a place of faithfulness to this ministry calling today?

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