Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Two Courageous and Compassionate Words

By: Jenifer Metzger

There are two words in the English language that are harder than any other words to say. Even harder than Worcestershire sauce. The two words I am referring to? I'm sorry.

Admitting we are wrong and apologizing affects everyone. No one in this world is one hundred percent right one hundred percent of the time. We all do and say things that we need to admit wrongdoing for and ask forgiveness for. In fact, we do and say these things regularly.

Two Courageous  and Compassionate Words #imsorry #apology #apologize

Husbands need to apologize to wives, wives to husbands, parents to kids, kids to parents, friend to friend, neighbor to neighbor, co-worker to co-worker, student to teacher, teacher to student, the list goes on and on. None of us are without blame and none of us are beyond admitting our wrongs and saying those two difficult words.

Yet, we still struggle with it. If we can even admit to ourselves that we have messed up, the words get lodged in our throat refusing to come out. Instead, we want the other person to confess their own shortcomings and beg our forgiveness. We want our side to be heard loud and clear.

The one who conceals his sins
will not prosper, 
but whoever
and renounces
will find mercy.
Proverbs 28:13

Being stingy with our apologies stifles relationships and God's work in our lives. It takes courage and compassion to hear another person's side of things, their thoughts, their feelings, to admit we don't have all the answers, and even to say, "You may be right." But when we allow for this to happen, when we lay aside pride and the determination to be right, we open ourselves up for growth, healing, and mercy.

Therefore, confess your sins to
one another and pray for one
another, so that you may be healed.
The prayer of a righteous person
is very powerful in its effect.
James 5:16

Our walk with God and relationship with others is far more important than always being right. Let's be women who easily admit, "I was wrong," and who are quick to say, "I am sorry."

1. Think of a time you struggled with admitting wrongdoing and apologizing versus a time you were quick to say, "I'm sorry." What was the difference in the outcome?

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