Thursday, August 17, 2023

Small Moments = Big Experiences


By: Donna Bucher

“How many are your works, Lord! In wisdom you made them all; the earth is full of your creatures.

Psalm 104:24


Meditating on this verse in my morning devotions recently, reminded me as I seek a more mindful posture, I become more mindful of God’s Presence in my days.


Instead of hurrying from one place to the next, or from one thing to the next, I slow down. In that slower pace I began to see what I normally ignored. This slower pace transformed the way I experienced each day.

Remembering the first time of taking a few moments to gaze at the sunrise; it was so peaceful. It required little time and had no effect on my agenda other than it enriched the beginning moments of my day. I slowly learned new ways to see "old" things.


New experiences became the norm for me when I stopped to marvel at God’s magnificent works each day.


Pausing for just a few moments leaving my home for work or arriving home at the end of the day allowed me to hear an array of bird songs. I knew there were birds in my yard, but rarely took the time to listen to them.

One afternoon, in just a few moments I heard three distinct bird calls I had never heard before! Another time I enjoyed seeing a mama deer and her baby in the field behind my office.

Even more significant than noticing nature around me, I became more attuned to God’s Presence in the moments of my day.

Experiencing the ability to be more present with my friends and family, without distractions, I learned contentment and the ability to enjoy the present moment with others.

An easy way to practice becoming more present with God and enjoying His magnificent works is looking for ways to focus on each of your five senses.

Eyes-at various times of the day, take just a few moments to focus on what you “see". Take in the details of something around you. Whether it be nature, or a painting or photograph, even your own image in the mirror.

Ears- make time to really listen. Whether nature sounds outside, inside or a conversation. Music is another splendid way to pause; listen to the fullness of a classical composition with your eyes closed.

Nose/smell-this is a two-fold opportunity, use this sense through aromatherapy with essential oils. Enjoy one of your favorite oils diffused or open a bottle and inhale. Truly take time to notice its distinct fragrance and how it makes you feel. Another way to use this sense is through a walk in an outdoor park or garden enjoying the amazing fragrances around you.

Taste-this is a great sense to develop. Be intentional about at least one of your meals, slow down, and taste your food! Enjoy the aroma of the food, the appearance, textures, the different flavors in your mouth of each item. Chew slowly, pause between bites. Imagine how much better your food will taste!

Touch-is perhaps the most overlooked sense. We all receive tactile information about our world every second of the day, but seldom notice. The next time you take a shower, spend a few moments feeling the hot water on your skin, or the next time you receive a hug, linger a little longer, allowing yourself to be held. Notice textures of nature through a garden walk.

As you experience each sense throughout your day, lift up praise and thanksgiving to God for His marvelous works. Sit for a few quiet moments in His Presence savoring His good works which have blessed you today.

He created each one in wisdom for you, to meet your needs, but also to delight you, as He reminds you of His unfailing love.



How often do you take time within your day to encounter God through His marvelous works?

How can you make time to encounter Him more often this week?

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