Saturday, August 12, 2023

His Path Over Mine

 By: Grace Metzger

Many are the plans in a person’s heart,
but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.
Proverbs 19:21 NIV

If you compared my current life to what I thought my life would look like as a child, you would see how vastly different they are. Little me would be shocked to know that I didn’t become a doctor, haven’t been healed, didn’t marry someone at 17 like 10 year old me thought I would, etc. My life definitely did not go as I planned it. There was a time in my life where this made me furious. I had a amazing path decided for myself and how dare God not let it work out just like I planned. But the more I follow God’s path, the more I realized how much better it is for me and my relationship with God.

For I know the plans I have for youdeclares the Lord,
plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to
give you hope and a future
Jeremiah 29:11

This is a very popular verse, one I’m sure many Christians have been told whenever they’re going through something. It’s a very easy to quickly read this and think “Oh, what a nice verses,” and just move on with your life. But if you actually sit down and think about this you’ll be amazed at how this verse shows just how much God cares about us. God didn’t just create us then give up on doing anything, He didn’t say “I did my part now leave Me alone.” Instead, He took such a interest in our lives that He planned out everything for us just so we can have hope and a future. He put so much thought into our lives because of His great love for us.

So why do I think my plans are better then His? My plans weren’t thought out at all, as the stress of being a doctor would make me cry, 17 year old me was way too young to be married, and there are many reasons as to why me still not being healed has benefitted my life. I think back at everything I got to experience because God’s incredible path that He made for me.

It can be frustrating when your life starts to go down a path you never planned. It’s easy when that starts to happen to start distancing yourself from God, angry that He isn’t giving you what you want. But trust me, you will soon realize why God is taking you down this path. Maybe it’s because He has something amazing planned for you, maybe He’s going to use this to bring you closer to Him, or He might even use this to bring others closer to Him. Whatever the reason, know that whenever life doesn’t go as you thought it would God is still in charge and God’s plan will give you hope and a future.

Discussion Questions:
1.) What is something you planned that didn't work out like you thought it would?
2.) What is something you didn't plan for but ended up for the better?

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