Thursday, July 20, 2023

Do You Ever Feel Like a Failure?


By: Donna Bucher

Coming through many sudden changes both personally and professionally over the past six months, I found many times where I neglected a particular task, forgot to complete something, or simply had no energy to keep up with all the moving parts.

While I normally have no trouble keeping up and excel at efficiently managing my time, I was feeling more and more defensive with each missed task. Even more than feeling defensive, I felt like a failure.

Do you ever feel like a failure?

Let me share five lessons failure taught me which changed the way I view this normally negative word.


Failure is the Best Teacher


Most of us would say we fear failure, or at least do our best in avoiding it. But recently I learned the value of failure.


Failure has such a negative connotation, often causing us anxiety before we even attempt something new for fear we will fail.


Let me ask you, what if you viewed failure through a different lens; one of opportunity, re-direction, and learning?


"Embrace failure; missteps and roadblocks are inevitable. But are ultimately an opportunity to Learn, Pivot and go after your goals with new perspective."

Jenny Fleiss


Failure is Inevitable


You're going to fail. At something. Sometime.


Living life involves learning, growing, AND stumbling. You cannot avoid or avert failure unless you stop living, learning, or growing.


Which realistically is not possible. Embrace failure as part of the process; Psalm 37:24 reminds us though we fall, we will rise again, because God will hold us up.


Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down: for the Lord upholdeth him with his hand.



Failure Creates Strength


Each failure offers the opportunity to get back up. Just like walking through trials strengthens our faith, embracing failure and trying again strengthens our character, resolve, focus, and resiliency.

"Failure should be our teacher, not our undertaker. Failure is delay, not defeat. It is a temporary detour, not a dead end."

Denis Waitley



Failure Fosters Courage


In a society so focused on valuing success, we become risk averse, only taking up the guaranteed wins. But viewing failure as an opportunity for growth and learning, we become encouraged to step out into the unknown.


Staring down failure gives us the bravery needed to do new things and trust God with the outcomes.


Failure Reveals Priorities


Failure simply gives us feedback on our focus and direction.


For example, my coming face to face with my lack of effort in setting aside time for meaningful rest, revealed my focus was too accomplishment orientated for my mental and spiritual well-being. Ultimately leading to forgetfulness, overwhelm, and exhaustion.


Without facing the reality of failure, I would have kept going in the wrong direction with an improper priority.

"No man ever became great or good, except through many great mistakes."

W.E. Gladtsone


Failure Increases Awareness


Failing in a particular area often reveals obstacles we never noticed in our hurry towards success. After failing, we become more observant of our circumstances and surroundings; or perhaps the people we neglected.


Increased awareness helps us see God's hand of grace as He redeems the failures in our lives for our good and His glory. (Romans8:28)


Failure Teaches us Humility


Failure has a way of uncovering the seed of an overstated sense of self-importance.


Failing also helps us realize our limitations and better evaluate our talents and abilities. From the place of humility, we better see failure as part of the process of God's good work in us, igniting hope. We have confidence in the work God began and its completion in the day of Christ. (Philippians 1:6)


Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ:

Failure is a valuable asset for personal growth, proper perspective of God's working in our lives, and keeping our priorities aligned with God's purposes.


We cannot avoid or avert it, but we gain the reward of learning, building resiliency, gaining courage for hard things, becoming aware of our limitations and self-focus, while learning humility before God and others. How can we afford NOT to fail?



Which aspect of failure do you fear most?


How can you better embrace failure so that you grow in your spiritual life?


Find more encouragement and FREE Resources at Serenity in Suffering!


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  1. I love "What if" questions so you had me at your very first point :) I have felt like a failure more times than I want to admit. But you are so wise in posing the question, "what if you viewed failure through a different lens; one of opportunity, re-direction, and learning?" It's so true and today I will be asking myself this question and waiting to see what the Lord reveals. Thank you, friend, for sharing transparently, gently, and wisely!

  2. Thank you, Joanne for your kind words! Failure never feels good, but I am learning it can be a useful tool when submitted to God!

  3. I think as I have gained more wisdom and experiences I stopped feeling like a failure. I just no longer think in those terms. I think in terms of life experiences now.


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