Saturday, March 11, 2023

Peace in the Storm

 By: Grace Metzger

And the peace of God, which
transcends all understanding, will guard your
hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:7

Peace is something that a lot of people want but don’t quite understand how to get. Being able to be calm while a storm creates chaos in your life is no easier task. A task that I had have struggled with so much in the past. It’s difficult to have peace when you have fear, worry, or anxiety clouding your mind. 

Anxiety has a way of controlling your mind and causing you to focus might happen instead of what is truly happening. Things like, “What if they don’t like me,” “What if I did that wrong,” or my least favorite “What if I messed everything up”. So how do we get rid of this anxiety and the what if? How do we achieve this peace in the midst of the storm feeling?

Well we are very blessed that God knows us so well that He knew that we needed an explanation on solving this situation, so He added in His word this verse to help us out. In 1 Peter 5:7 He tells us “Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.”

Imagine what that would be like, living a life free of anxiety, worry, fear. God literally says that He will take all of that for us just because He loves us. What a loving Father He is! This verse is one of my favorite ones and ones I call back to whenever I need reminded of how overwhelmed I am feeling God can take it all away.

So instead of worrying about what could happen, we can focus on giving it over to God and letting Him bear it. This doesn’t come easy for us unfortunately. We like to try to deal with all our problems ourselves. But, because we are humans, we usually just end up making things a hundred times worse. Instead of messing things up cause we want to control everything, why don’t we just give it all up to God. Give Him control and take a step back. The peace that comes with losing control is something that will not only help you in times of struggle but also times of joy.

My suggestion today would be to keep 1 Peter 5:7 with you this week, whether you make a note on your phone, carry a sticky note, or read it every morning. Keep this verse and meditate on it. Use this verse as a reminder that we don’t have to carry this fear but we can give it over to God in exchange for His unwavering peace.


1.)    What are some verse you read when you are experiencing worry?

      2.)  Has there been a storm in your life that you are needing God’s help with?

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