Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Why We Can't Hear From God

By: Jenifer Metzger

This is the confidence we have
before Him: If we ask anything
according to His will, He hears us.
1 John 5:14 CSB

As a Christian, our desire is to hear from God. We want to hear His voice -audibly or not, we just want to hear Him. We want His direction, His guidance, His response. We pray, hoping we can hear a word from the Lord. Yet, we are met with silence.

Or are we?

Is God really silent? Is He really ignoring us? Or are we just unable to hear Him? Here are a few things to look at when we can't hear from God.

When We Can't Hear From God #prayer #pray #prayerlife #Godsvoice

Is your Bible open? When we feel as though God is silent, the first thing we need to ask ourselves is when was the last time we were in the Word. God speaks throughout every single page in the Bible. He answers our questions, teaches us, shows His love, and more when we read the Bible. If we aren't hearing Him, we need to get into His Word. Read it. Study it. Memorize it. Pray it. When you are in the Word, you will hear the Lord.

Are we surrounded by noise or distractions? Numerous times I carried on full conversations with one of my teenagers, only to realize they had earbuds in and had no idea I was talking. We often do that with God. He is trying to speak to us, yet we are surrounded by so much noise and so many distractions that we can't hear Him. Sometimes it may not even be literal noise, it could be things like busyness or social media. We need to turn down the noise -literal and figurative- and listen for God.

Have we repented of sin? Sin is like a curtain that raises between us and God. When we fail to repent of our sin and continue to live in our sin day in and day out, it blocks us from hearing God. We need to live repentant. When you're not hearing the voice of God, ask forgiveness of your sins. Ask forgiveness of the things you are aware of, and ask Him to reveal to you any sin you are unaware of or forgotten about so that you can repent.

And My people, who bear My
name, humble themselves, pray
and seek My face, and turn from
their evil ways, then I will hear
from heaven, forgive their sin,
and heal their land. 
2 Chronicles 7:14 CSB

Are you having one sided conversations? When we pray, we often talk and talk and talk. We forget that prayer is a conversation with God. We forget that conversations consist of speaking and listening. When you pray spend time worshiping Him, confess your sins, give thanks, pray for needs, then be sure to take time to just quietly listen.

God does in fact speak to us. He loves us and wants to have that intimate relationship with us. He wants to converse with us. So if you are not hearing from God, evaluate and see what you need to work on so you can hear the voice of God.

You will call to Me and come and
pray to Me, and I will listen to you.
Jeremiah 29:12 CSB

1. Does prayer ever feel one sided to you?
2. What do you do when you can't hear God?

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