Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Rest in My Embrace

By: Jenifer Metzger

Life moves a fast pace. Life is loud. Life can be chaotic.

A few years ago I faced a particularly difficult week. Not a bad week. Not much busier than normal. It just seemed like a very "loud" week. It's hard to explain really, though I am sure you understand.

Rest in My Embrace #rest #encouragement

Then one night at the end of the week, I took my daughter to her sewing lesson. Normally I would have stayed there with her but this night I had a quick errand to run. I found myself alone for the first time in weeks. These rare car rides alone typically end up in worship music playing loudly as I sing along in worship. But this time I just needed the quiet so I turned the music off. Taking the back roads slowly, I felt God say, "Rest in My embrace. I will hold you."

Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all
of you who are weary and carry heavy
burdens, and I will give you rest.
Matthew 11:28

Right there in the quiet of my car, as I headed to pick up my daughter, I rested in His embrace. His loving, peaceful, strong embrace.

Even when the weary isn't a "bad" weary, He wants us to rest in Him. Even when the burden may seem manageable, He wants us to give it to Him. He desires to give us the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual rest we long for.

When was the last time you stopped and let God hold you? It's time friends. It's time to pause and just rest in His embrace. He is waiting with open arms just for you.

1. When life feels too hard or too loud, do you intentionally take time to rest in God?
2. Do you feel Him when you rest in His arms?

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